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Since times immemorial consumers have been exploited by the middlemen. It is the consumer that ultimately bears all the burden of exorbitant charge and unreasonable profit margins of the various middlemen engaged in the distributive channels of trade. These middlemen are also known to be adulteration a variety of malpractices such as underweightment, adulteration etc. A search has been made for an alternative distribution system and ultimately it was found that ...
Consumer sovereignty in the Indian market milieu is virtually a myth. The Indian consumer is only nominally a king, and in reality a person of no consequence. The root causes the average Indian consumer’s plight are many: the generally low standard of living, widespread illiteracy, ignorance of the legitimate rights of consumers, lack of sufficient knowledge of the market milieu, and a persistent and negative tendency to resign himself to the exploitation in ...
Electricity is an important input for the economic development and the pace of growth and development of our economy depends very much upon it. it is a prime indicator of the prosperity and progress of a country, industrially, economically and socially. The demand for electricity in our country has been enormous and it is ever increasing. Therefore, the government has to do its best constantly in improve the supply system of electricity, as in turn it would ...
The consumers have been the victims of middlemen in the Indian market since times immemorial. Keeping in view the important role to be played by the consumer cooperatives in safeguarding the interest to the consumers, the government of India has taken plethora of measures to strengthen them. It is well known fact that lack f prudent financial management would impediment the performance of any organization and no exception in this regard to the consumer ...
The present research work entitled "Public Distribution System and Tribal Development" focuses on the measures it has been taking to meet the tribals' food requirements. It examines how efficient the PDS has been in providing the food requirements. It also takes into account the various issues of the tribals relating to their food requirements. The objective of the study is to get a clear insight into the major problems of food of the tribals and the ...