D Uma Devi

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India occupies the first place in the world in terms of younger population. However, it is also true that not all the sections of the population are qualified to be the human resources. In order to mainstream this section, the Government has initied several efforts to mainstream them and to promote the employable skills and competencies so as to involve them in the economy. Inspite of these measures, the pace of the groeth of the country, involvement of the ...
The book will be useful for the researchers, administrators, policy-makers and all those involved in the welfare of the tribes. An effort has been made in this book to identify the constraints coming in the way of. education of the tribes. To be specific, it presents the in schooi and out of school constraints that are affecting the participation and performance of tribes in education. The study has been conducted in Andhra Pradesh a home fot good number of ...
The book will be useful for the social scientists, functionaries of rural development, researchers, policymakers and administrators of the developmental programmes to conceive the interventions for accelerating the pace of the development of the rural India. Two thirds of our population is living in rural areas with low access to the modern facilities and basic infrastructure. In order to improve their socio-economic conditions, the Government has intervened in ...
Longevity of life expectancy gave rise to a steadily increasing number and proportion of the aged population in the society. Modernization process has initiated and altered many social values and traditions. In India, as else where, ageing has become a social problem due to the fundamental changes in the social structure. In the new context, the traditional joint family system is gradually disintegrating resulting in tie break-up of bonds of affection and ...
A number of studies have highlighted the position of literacy among rural and urban women even on Tribal men population in India but unfortunately there are very few studies dealing with literacy among in tribal communities that too women among primitive tribal groups. The study fills the gap in a small way by enquiring in to the factors affecting literacy among the women of Savara classified as one of the primitive tribes in Andhra Pradesh and Toda a well-known ...
With Successful implementation of the TLCs all over the country, a situation is fast emerging where there is a million of people with basic literacy skills. In order to strengthen and promote the newly learnt skills, the government has launched Continuing Education Programme. The p[resent work relates to the evaluation of the Continuing Education Programme implemented in the States of Andhra Pradesh and Kerala. The book contains 11 Chapters. Chapter I ...
The Government of India has initiated a number of welfare measures for the benefit of the disabled in the form of establishing institutions and launching schemes for their socio-economic development. One such scheme is creation of special employment exchanges and cells for registering the disabled and to sponsor them to suitable employment and training. The findings are presented in 10 chapters. The contents of the book refer to the welfare programmes, schemes ...
The problem of ageing relates both to the individual and that of the nation. Old age is now generally recognized as one of the most pressing problems of the society. the change in the demographic position from high growth potential to decrease in population growth has further created new problems about elderly generation the result of increasing propotion of the old in the population. The processes of modernization and industrialization has reduced the role of ...
Recognising the role of literacy in alround development of the individual and nation as a whole, the government of India has formulated and launched a number of schemes for the promotion of literacy among the masses. The literacy programmes are continuously improved in terms of its quality based on the past experiences and research findings. The current National Literacy Mission has given opportunity for initiation of a number of innovative ideas for eradiation ...
Women constitutes half of our total population. In order to qualify the services of women in terms of economic criteria and to empower them, the Government of India has launched vocational training programme to equip them with the requires skills and abilities with the collaboration of Norwegian Agency for Development Co-operation popularly known as NORAD Programme. The programme is being implemented in collaboration with Non-Government Agencies for ...
Man himself due to lack of knowledge or negligence creating environmental problems. Environmental education should be a part of adult education to disclose the global problems to the public and to help him to protect his environment. An attempt has been made to identify the needs of the rural adults in the area of environmental education and related with their socio-economic background. The material was arranged in six chapters. The findings will be useful to the ...
The present volume deals with the environmental knowledge possessed by the continuing education Preraks working at the community level. The Prerak is expected to organize a number of activities both inside and outside the centre to enlighten the community about various aspects relating to the development. Keeping in view of the important role played by him, a study has been conducted to identify the level of knowledge possessed by him on various environmental ...