
Showing all 11 books
Poet Tulsidas rightly said about the personality of Rama that my head bowed to Rama, holding bow and arrow in this hands. Rama the wanderer of thorny pathways, not the throne-ridden king of Ayodhya commanded the reverence of India.
Sage Valmiki preferred calling his poem Ramayana- Rama's journey or the story of Rama. From various literary sources this story of Rama re-emergas in Indian miniatures illustrating from Ramayana to Rama-Katha.
In any tradition of ...
This study does not merit Sri Harimandar Sahib over or above others, but essays at discovering what is special about its uniqueness, and how it embodies in an architectural form the body of a dogma, a massive faith, a live tradition and finally the glory of the Supreme.
The Tanjore painting is known for its brilliance and a jewel-like rich look, which its artists created by using real gold and silver foils, and inlay material – precious and semi-precious stones, beads, mirrors, coloured glass-pieces, powdered metals – gold in particular. A patron’s financial status and willingness to spend determined the value-wise quality of the material used, though despite that the over-all aesthetic merit of the ...
In the Rig Vedic Samhitas there is a description of five seasons. They as Pravrd: rains, Gharma: summer, Sarad: autumn, Vasanta: spring and Hemanta: winter. The Samhitas, chiefly the Yajurveda and the Brahmana mention six seasons or Sadaritus which include the month of Sisira: cool season. It further states the names of the months of each season and their peculiarities. Vasanta has two months: Madhu (March/April) and Madhava (April/May), associated with the ...
Lord Vishnu one of the Trinity of Gods in the Hindu pantheon presides over the world as its creator, sustainer and destroyer. He manifests in his three faceted cosmic acts of creation, preservation and destruction, which in the Great Hindu Trinity is represented by Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Devotees of Vishnu are known as Vaishnavites and they consider Him the only God, who assumes the form of Brahma to create, Vishnu to preserve and Shiva to destroy. As creator ...
Indian Miniature Painting: Manifestation of a creative Mind comes out with a new perception of Indian miniature art. The book examines not merely its body but also its inherent soul, underlying unity, ethos it represents and factors that shaped it across the period from the seventh century onwards. Here reveals a totally different approach-aesthetic as well as formal, and in both cases bold, investigating and analytical. The significance of the ...
This picture album with 28 color plates with introductory text captures the multi-dimensional entity that is Lord Krishna. Lord Krishna, the living spirit of Vrindavana was never born nor he ever died. We identify him with one who was present before the solar cycle began to operate, or before anything came into being. We conceive him as the ultimate the first and the last. He exists in love, is attainable in submission and blends, transcends into him who in his ...