V K Mathur

Showing all 8 books
Poet Tulsidas rightly said about the personality of Rama that my head bowed to Rama, holding bow and arrow in this hands. Rama the wanderer of thorny pathways, not the throne-ridden king of Ayodhya commanded the reverence of India.
Sage Valmiki preferred calling his poem Ramayana- Rama's journey or the story of Rama. From various literary sources this story of Rama re-emergas in Indian miniatures illustrating from Ramayana to Rama-Katha.
In any tradition of ...
The strategic planning technique is, to strategic management theory, what mechanical engineering is to theoretical physics. More than simply procedural guidelines, then, this book contains principles of applied strategic management theory and empirical evidence that are either generally accepted or sufficiently verifiable to serve as bases for professional practice.
Both strategic management scholars and serious strategic planning practitioners who desire a ...
Plant Pathology or Phytopathology is a useful branch of biological sciences. Plant plays an important role in our life. The aim of this encyclopaedia is to provide a general overview of the field in most effective and positive manner. It is designed to meet the needs of all students. Chapters are largely independent so that the teacher may choose the desired topic. The level of presentation will be comfortable to teachers as well as students. Plant Pathology ...
In this book problems relating to simplification of procedure in civil courts, criminal courts, revenue courts including subordinate and appellate courts have been highlighted and suggestions for simplification of procedure to remove delay and expedite disposal of cases have been given. Attempt has also been made to simplify procedure in appeal, revision and writ cases at the High Court level. Suggestions for adopting conciliation as a mode for early disposal of ...