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This book aims to fulfill a specific need. Effective from 2008-09 session, U.P.T.U. has introduced the subject of ``Manufacturing Processes`` for first year engineering students of all streams. This textbook covers the entire course material in a distilled form in line with the recommended contact hours of L T P 2-0-0 to cover the wide syllabus.
In this edition, the essential features of the book have not been altered. However, certain necessary changes are made ...
Susruta Samhita, the Ayurvedic classic of Dhanvantai school though basically a study of surgical treatment, concerns in addition, origin of life, analysis of constituent elements of vegetable and animal substances taken as food as well as drugs, and theories and practices relating to origin of human diseases and their treatment. The present monograph is an evaluation of the Susruta Samhita in two parts: texts and tables. Theories and practices mentioned in the ...