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The aim and object of this little volume is to serve not only the professional medical men in India but also the non-professional educated public in general; and this object is sought to be attained by rendering the book useful to both these classes in the following ways:To the medical profession: * By introducing to them the therapeutical properties of the numerous remedial drugs and agents. * By placing before them the value ...
The aim and object of this little volume is to serve not only the professional medical men in India but also the non-professional educated public in general. To the intelligent householder it will serve as a safe and reliable Family Medical Aid and to the Medical Practitioner, a powerful weapon added to his already existing armoury.
The aim and object of this little volume is to serve not only the professional medical men in India but also the non-professional educated public in general; and this object is sought to be attained by rendering the book useful to both these classes in the following ways:- To the medical profession:- 1. By introducing to them the therapeutical properties of the numerous remedial drugs and agents. 2. By placing before them the value and composition of several ...
The third edition of this admirable book which is now being presented has been anxiously awaited by students and practitioners of Ayurvedic medicine. The Indian systems of medicine both Ayurvedic and Tibbi even now give medical relief to a very large section of the population in our vast country especially in the rural areas. These are also believed to be effective by a large section of the urban population and even by the intelligentsia. These systems have ...