Showing all 5 books
The present volume Vistas in Mycology and Plant Pathology' is a commemoration volume in honour of Dr. (Mrs.) L.N. Nair who retired from the University of Pune, as a Reader at the Department of Botany after putting in more than thirty years of teaching and research. The volume contains twenty two research articles written by specialists from India and abroad in the field of mycology, plant pathology, aerobiology, microbiology and biotechnology, the branches ...
Now a days maintaining the healthy environment on the surface of the earth has been essential. The scientist has evaluated various methods and now it has been possible to manage the environmental pollution. In this context the present volume includes the recent technologies for the management of environment in different directions. The volume "Sustainable Environmental Management' consists of 30 review articles on different aspects of environmental studies ...
During the recent years great advances have been made in nearly all fields of plant sciences. Frontiers in Plant Sciences is an attempt to bring all these widely different aspects together in one volume. The present volume contains wide ranging articles on taxonomy of fungi, microbial ecology and applied microbiology (including aerobiology, mycorrhizae, soil rhizosphere, microflora and biological control of plant diseases). Algae, an aquatic angiosperm, have also ...
It is seen that lot of literature is available on symptomology of plant diseases, physiological and molecular aspects of the plant pathogens. However, it is observed that all farmers are unable to identify the diseases visually. Many farmers are identifying by using their logic and past experience and try to manage the pathogen. This handbook contains colour photographs of symptoms of different crop diseases helps to farmers, students and teachers for ...