The book is a collection of various empirical studies carried out in rural areas on higher education and gender issues. Gender equality from MDGs perspective, high education, empowerment and role of technology are discussed in some of the papers. The papers also portrayed about the education at primary, secondary and tertiary level in rural India. It discusses the possibilities and constraints of reaching out to the rural mass. One of the papers depicted about ...
For the Indian economy, growing at the rate of 8 to 9 percent per annum, skill development poses major challenges and also opens up unprecedented opportunities. In an increasingly connected world, where national frontiers are yielding to cross-border outsourcing, it is not inconceivable that in the near future India can become a global reservoir of skilled manpower. Co-ordinated Action on Skill Development, as proposed by Planning Commission, was approved by the ...
The female labour force constitutes one third of the rural workers in India. Women workers face serious problems and constraints related to work such as lack of continuity, insecurity, wage discrimination, unhealthy job relationship, absence of medical and accident care etc. The exploitation of female labourers in rural regions happens both horizontally and vertically. It is time to address the issues and discuss the kind of policy reforms and institutional ...
This book is a compilation of the papers presented and deliberated upon in the National Seminar on "Psycho-Social Characteristics, Problems and Strategies for the Welfare of the Aged in Rural India" organized by the Department of Applied Research, Gandhigram Rural Institute, and sponsored by the Ministry of Welfare, Government of India. While several papers throw light on the problems and issues of old age, the focus is on formulating strategies for the ...
This book is a compilation of papers presented and deliberated upon at the National Workshop on ‘Environmental Issues’ organized by the Department of Applied Research, Gandhigram Rural University. This workshop was a part of the project on ‘Safe Environment’ sponsored by Science and Society Division of the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India, New Delhi. Most of the papers throw light on environmental problems and issues with a view to ...