M G Chitkara

53 books
Many countries because of population explosion are unable to feed themselves, and are locked in a cycle of spiraling environment degradation and grinding poverty. In India also, we face the dual problem of population growth and poverty. To these we can trace almost all our major environmental problems like the denutation of forests, overgrazing, sewage pollution, malnutrition, communicable disease, etc. Simultaneously in part of the country the environmental ...
The ecologically fragile environment of the Himalayas is under grave threat from big dams deforestation and mining activities. All these have led to increased landslides flash floods etc. Shiva is not going to dance alone. Shiva is prepared to lead us to new dance alone. Shiva is prepared to lead us to a new dance. As we dance so we build our Karma. Our industrial headless materialist dance has produced the Karma of pollution. Our new ecological reconstruction is ...
Ecological challenges and environmental problems, by definition and global. There are simply no partial solutions to such problems as global warming; attenuation of Ozone layer, river and ocean pollution; carbon dioxide emission, deforestation; desertification air and atmospheric pollution. The global ecosystem and the present and further evolution of life on earth are seriously endangered and may well end in a large scale ecological disaster.
Human beings and ...
There has been a long-standing need for a comprehensive compendium of terms relating to environment, ecology and pollution. In writing a compendium, the author’s first concern was to meet the needs of students, research scholars and environmentalists. When a compendium dictionary of this kind is being compiled, it becomes essential to depend upon the work of many authorities and seek the advice of colleagues, to all of whom the author is deeply indebted. ...
Most countries is South East Asia have inherited a colonial system of administration and have adopted a development strategy imported from the Western countries, whose economy was built on the basis of exploitation of nature and the colonies. This was alienated the policy makers and the administrators from the common people who are struggling for survival. Wanton exploitation of nature continued with modern technology was created serious environmental problems ...
Cosmic Being created all the five basic elements, viz, ether, air fire, water and earth, as well as the creatures. Philosophers believe that Sristi process of creation used the five basic elements to determine the physical characteristics of all creatures. These five elements are known as sky, water fire air and earth. The coexistence of soil, man, beasts, birds, trees, mountains, rivers, and air is now endangered. Man’s love for relationship with nature, ...
Prof. V. Ranganathan recently highlighted the need for intelligent environmental rule making. Environmental damage must be factored into decision making. But this does not imply wooden, babu-driven rules with either display ignorance of the environment or simply fail to make a proper trade-off between costs and benefits. The National Environmental Engineering Research Institute is our chief-fountain of expertise, but is inadequate in breadth and depth. There are ...
Mr. Justice Ranganathan in a judgementin case Charan Lai Sahu Vs. Union of India, AIR 1990, SC. 1480, there is suggestion, that either the Fatal Accidents Act, 1855 should be amended or fresh legislation should be enacted, to deal with the victims of mass disaster. Amongst other, the suggested legislation should deal with matters enumerated hereunder: a) Fixed minimum compensation on no fault basis, pending final adjudication of the case. b) Creation of special ...
The situation of water pollution is taking a serious turn. The hazard of water pollution in a developing country like our arises directly from the following two causes: i. The made race for industrialisation and ii. A disproportionate increase in its population. One being contemporary of other i.e. increase in population necessitates increase in industrialisation and both ultimately lead to increase in pollution. One way to control it at this stage of industrial ...
The World Commission of Environment and Development has noted that while stainable development is essential we do not pretend that the process is easy or straight forward. Painful choices have to be made. Our marvels of science and technology and matched if not outweighed by many current tragedies including human starvation in some parts of the world and extinction of other life forms.
A different great society cannot be built if it just copies the western ...
Both natural flora and fauna is wildlife because of the fundamental and intimate interdependence of plant and natural life. In every aspect of life there is diversity. This diversity and coexistence is evident in the ecosystem-system in which all living creatures, however, small and tiny, have their place, function and utility.
Animals have always received special care and consideration. Numerous Hindus texts preach that all species should be treated as children. ...
Women have a special role to play in the society. They lend to accept the norms which men have made and even when there is a talk about equality, they do not really examine it closely or consider what is good or an ideal situation for implementation. Men and most women are unaware of the potential ability of women. It may be remembered that men will not know their true selves until and unless they allow women to develop their full potential.
The modern woman has ...
Environment in Buddhism takes care of internal as well as external eco systems. Prince Sidhartha of Kapilavastu an Avathar in his own right renounced the world and its comforts. He attained Buddha hood and showed the world that such a state of equanimity and Ananda is attainable by all. He preached ahimsa and compassion as a way of life. Non-violence does not mean the mere absence of violence. It is some thing more positive and more meaningful than that. True ...
Forest resources decline when their use exceeds their growth. Utilisation of renewable natural resources is often linked with sustenance of man, and utilisation of such resources should be allowed for the extremely poor, people in and around the protected forests, where conservation of biodiversity is contemplated.
Tribols people in and around the forests have been ecosystem people. Their living has been more or less compatible to the ecological processes and in ...
Anything that could strike, struck. Anything that could be striken, was striken. The clock struck morning hour of September 11, 2001. A highjacked jet plane carrying a passenger load struck the World Trade Centre tower and exploded. Another followed and struck the second tower. A third plane struck the high security building of the Pentagon. Death struck some 7000 odd innocent children men and women, from all countries, all religions. Osama Bin Laden, the super ...
Kashmir Shaivism is under siege, master minded by terrorists, like Osama Bin Laden. The terrorists have no religion and are the enemies of the humanity. The challenges of the 21 century, international terrorism in particular, can be met only by acting jointly and by rallying the efforts of the entire civilized world. Today the world must help check mate terrorism for, as the great American Ernest Hemingway said: "Do not ask for whom the bell tolls". But ...
The Buddha is aware of both possible extremes, which the emphatically tells us to avoid so as to take the middle course. The Buddha in this inaugurating sermon said: ‘these two extremes, O monks, are not to be practised by one who has given up the world. What are the two? The one, devotion to lusts and pleasures, base, sensual, vulgar, ignoble, and useless, and the other, devotion of self-mortification, painful, ignoble, and useless. By avoiding these two ...
The peculiar demographic landscape of J & K consists of three distinct geographical and ethnic groups with conflicting political aspirations. The solution must fulfill the legitimate economic, ethnic, social and political aspirations of people in different regions—Jammu, Ladakh and Kashmir. Kashmir continues to cause concern. Over the years, the problems have assumed dangerous proportions. A predominantly Muslim-populated state, J & K has become a ...