Showing all 5 books
The book "Library Automation Using FOXPRO 2.0" is intended for library and information science students and teachers in India who are undertaking study on library automation and computer applications. It is also equally important for working librarians who are interested in automating libraries. The authors have written about basics of library automation using Foxpro software. The book contains important topics such as computer infrastructure and ...
The book is first of its kind in the field of library and information science, which is mainly written for us, students & teachers and working librarians of India. The chapters include communication in general in the prologue and rest of them on audio-video, microform media, electronic media, storage media, hypertext, hypermedia, multimedia, networking and epilogue. These are the current trends in the field of library and information science. We hope the book ...
The book Software Packages for Library Automation is first of its kind in the field of Library and Information Science. Different software packages have been analysed in a systematic way and the book provides exhaustive bibliography. This book is useful for the library professionals and Library and Information Science students throughout India.
The Book 'Communication Technology : It's Impact on Library and Information Science' is written mainly for LIS students and teachers in India. It deals with burning topics in Library and In formation Science like Information Technology, Communication and Telecommunication Technology, Optical and Satellite Technology and lastly on Computer and Communication Technology. At the end of each chapter, a bibliography is provided. The book is also useful for working ...
A Handbook of Distance Education with Special Reference to Library and Information Science in India is specially designed for semi-professionals and untrained librarians working in the libraries and information centres to seek distance education in Library and Information Science and thereby degrees in LIS. It gives information on Distance Education with special reference to LIS and use of Multimedia in Distance Education. The book shall be useful to fresh ...