Showing all 4 books
This book presents to the reader with a comprehensive, lucid and stimulating volume on the subject of rural industrialisation. The book encompasses the compilation of discussions and papers presented by stalwarts and scholars in this field present at the National Seminar on "Rural Industrialisation in India" at Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantapur. With a view of making it a consistent and lucid presentation, it has been divided into four sections: ...
The book “Issues of Globalisation and Economic Reforms-Papers in Honour of Professor D.L. Narayana†is an editorial volume covering papers contributed by eminent economists and researchers in social sciences serving universities and research institutions in different countries. The main focus of the book is on pertinent issues of globalisation and economic reforms that are greatly impacting macroeconomic policies and performance of present economies. Papers ...
The book 'Economic Development Issues and Policies' contains papers contributed by experienced economists and researchers in social sciences serving universities and research institutions in different countries. The focus of the book is on economic development issues and policies that are currently discussed and relevant to the developing in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The book will prove to be not only useful to have a comprehensive view of development with ...
This book seeks to assess the state of the art of Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) among the NGOs in Tamil Nadu, with particular focus on efficacy of participatory methods. It finds out the problems and challenges encountered by the NGOs in employing PRA methods in rural development work, and analyses the steps taken by them to overcome such problems and challenges. Also, it ascertains the innovations, if any, attempted by NGOs in the arena of participatory ...