P Chenna Reddy

Showing all 21 books
This volume constitutes the proceedings of academic deliberations and presented papers of the National Seminar on “Telugu Diaspora through the Ages (From the earliest Times)”. The papers in this volume discuss various dimensions of Telugu Diaspora. They are arranged chronologically and geographically. The Telugu Diaspora refers to the Telugu Speaking people of Indian States residing in mainly in other countries like United States of America, Europe, ...
Psycho-Cultural Analysis of Folklore, is a Commemoration Volume presented to Prof. Alan Dundes, a renowned Folklorist in the world on his birth Anniversary falling on 83 years (8th September 1934) These articles in other way serve as garland of flowers to decor Prof. Alan Dundes; A great scholar in Folklore Srudies. There are more than 45 articles shedding light on Folklore world wide. This prestigious volume contains a wide spectrum of research articles covering ...
Folklore Studies in the Current Globalization is a Festschrift presented to Prof. N. Bhakthavathsala Reddy, a renowned Folklorist and good administrator on his birthday fslling on 69 Years (01.07.1948). This prestigious volume contains a wide spectrum of elite research papers covering Folklore, literature and culture by renowned authors. It undoubtedly becomes an important source of information and reference book for History, Culture, Folklore and Tribal lore for ...
Bodhisiri: A Festschrift to Annapareddy Venkatesvara Reddy (Buddhaghoshudu) contains valuable articles on the Buddha, Buddhism, Buddhist sites, monuments, Art, Architecture, language Literature and Philosophy, thus reflecting multiplicity of thoughts of more scholars, eminent personalities in their fields of specialisation. These articles in other way serve as garland of flower to decor Sri Annapareddy Venkatesvara Reddy; a great scholar in Buddhist studies as ...
It is a festschrift presented to Dr. D. Raja Reddy, a reputed Neurosurgeon and Numismatist. The volume contains a wide range of articles on coins and coinage of India right from the beginning till to the recent times such as the punch marked coins and the coins of the preSatavahana, Satavahana, Sangam, Ikshvaku, Vakataka, Chalukya, Alupa, Pallava, Kakatiya, Vijayanagara, Delhi Sultanate, Mughal, Maratha, Sikh, Awadh and the British along with the literary ...
Rajavijayam, is a Festschrift presented in honour of Prof. K. Rajayyan, a renowned historian and founder General Secretary of South Indian History Congress on his 81 - birthday. This prestigious volume contains a wide range of research articles covering Historiography, Art, Architecture, sculpture, Buddhism, Culture, Philosophy, Agrarian and social changes, Literature, National movement and economic history, contributed by eminent personalities would, no doubt, ...
Sahiti-Saurabha: Studies in Indian Culture and Literature through the Ages is a Festschrift presented to Dr. Janamaddi Hanumath Sastri, a renowned historian and Secretary of Brown Society on his 85 birthday. This prestigious volume contains a wide spectrum of research articles covering Historigraphy, Literature, Tourism, National Movement, Buddhism, Culture, Philosophy, Agrarian Change and Economic History. The volume containing a good collection of 60 articles ...
Contents : PART I. ARCHAEOLOGY & LITERATURE : 1. Palaeoart of the lower Palaeolithic by Robert G. Bednarik; 2. Radiological methodology in the study of a human fossil with in the ferricrete by P. Rajendran; 3. Life of Orissa in ancient times by Bishnu Prasada Panda; 4. The Neolithic artifacts from the Khudar Valley, Madhya Pradesh by Krishna Kumar; 5. Dissent and protest in Tamil tradition during the first and early half of the second Millennium CE by P. ...
The present book unusually runs into five volumes comprising nearly 175 papers dealing with the recent findings and interpretation relating to Literature; Archaeology: Prehistory and protohistory, Rock Art, Early and Historical Cultures, Marine Archaeology, Science & Conservation; Architecture & Sculpture; Epigraphy & Numismatics; History; Religion & Philosophy. This book will attract the scholars, students and laymen alike.The papers are by a ...
The volume is felicitate Prof. Ravula Soma Reddy, by two of his Ekalavya students of Prof. Ravula. Soma Reddy. During his career in the Dept. of History, Ormania University, Hyderabad, he has rendered yeomen service both as an academician, researcher, teacher as well as an administrator. The papers in this Volume written by distinguished scholars highlight the warmth of affection they hold towards Prof. Ravula Soma Reddy. A long cherished wish of the Editors was ...
“Brahma Sri†is a fitting tribute of felicitation paid by a Stellar list of scholars, old and young from all parts of country and beyond to an outstanding epigraphist, known to the scholastic world through his pathbreaking contributions to epigraphical and numismatic research – Prof. P.V. Parabrahma Sastry. The 59 papers included in this volume deal with a variety of themes and disciplines such as Archaeology, rock art, temple art and numismatics, Hindu, ...
This age of post modernism has woken up from the slumber of modernism and begun to recognize certain plus points of Pre-modern Age that have been discounted as unscientific and unreliable during modernism. Consequently, the local and the specific issues have acquired importance. Unlike the age of modernism that threatened the existence and sustenance of folklore, this Age compassionately protects and preserves the treasures of folklore. The scholars through ...
This volume constitutes the proceedings of academic deliberations and presented papers of the National Seminar on ‘Readings in Society and Religion of Medieval South India’. Religion as the earliest institution in human history continues to influence the lives of people in all walks even today at the dawn of 21st century. The religious sentiments, beliefs and practices will continue to have great ramifications in the maintenance of social cohesion and harmony ...
The Present volumes provide a panoramic view of Indian Historical studies covering Archaeology, Art and Architecture, Epigraphy, Numismatics, iconography, Religion and Philosophy, Social and economic History. The papers in the two volumes add significant insights to our understanding of the various facets of Indian History, Culture and Archaeology. I am sure this book will attract the scholars, students and laymen alike.
The present hook is analytical comprehensive and distinctive contribution on the guilds ;n Mediaeval Andhra Desa. Dr. Chenna Reddy has done well to choose this topic. The Rook is a pioneering attempt and lie has brought out valuable materials which throw fresh light on many hitherto less known aspects of the guilds. I he primary source of information is epigraphical and this is well supplemented by literary works as well as a careful analysis of secondary ...
Krishnabhinandana is a Festschrift presented to Dr. V.V. Krishna Sastry, a renowned archaeologist and historian on his 73rd birthday falling on 23-10-2007. This prestigious volume contains a wide spectrum of research articles covering archaeology, literature, art, architecture, epigraphy, numismatics Buddhism, culture, philosophy and economic history. The volume containing a good collection of articles contributed by renowned authors would, no doubt, ...