The scientific classification of Nayikas and Nayakas in different treatises from Bharata’s Natya Sastra to Rasamanjari of Bhanudatta, from Dasa Rupaka to Bhava Prakasa, is a very exciting intellectual experience. The advent of rasamanjari of Bhanudatta is in many ways a significant turning point in the classification of nayakas and nayikas because no author before him exclusively authored a treatise dealing with only the classification of nayakas and ...
Flowers at his Feet : An Insight into Annamacharya’s Compositions
This book deals with all those components, which help understanding Sri Vidya and Sri Cakra better. The book consists of nine chapters, symbolically representing the nine enclosures, navavaranas in the Sri Cakra. From a very basic introduction required to understand the concept of Mantra, Yantra and Tantra it gradually moves on to the subtleties by discussing allied aspects in the later chapters. After discussing the geometrical features of Sri Cakra and the ...