
Showing all 10 books
Indian School of Spirituality (Adhyatmavada) is the beacon light in this materialistic age. The Vedas are the foundation of al l orthodox Schools of Indian Spirituality. The School of Vedanta (Uttara Mimamsa), which is affiliated to the end portion of the Vedas, is now widely accepted by the spiritual seekers. There are three schools of Vedanta Viz., Davaita (Dualism), Vishista Dvaita (Qualified non-Dualism) and Adaita (Non-Dualism). Advaita is the culmination of ...
The Srimad Bhagavad-Gita is treatise on liberation. It is considered as the most Holy Scripture in the world by all the seekers of liberation irrespective of their caste, creed, religion, and nationality. The Gospel of the Bhagavad-Gita is based on the perennial philosophy of embodiment of the Absolute Self, imparted this Gospel to Arjuna in order to dispel delusion.
The goal of holy life is the total elimination of all mental taints and cravings leading to the ...
Brahman can be known through the Upanishads alone. Shruti says that knower of Brahman verily becomes Brahman. Brahma Vidya expounded in the Upanishads grants Kaivalya Mukti and makes one fearless. According to Advaita Philosophy the Self is ever free and therefore to seek its liberation is only an illusion. Bondage arises because of false identification of the Self with the body. Liberation consists of removing this false identification of the Self with the body. ...
The goal of holy life is the attainment of spiritual perfection from where there is no further defilement of the embodied Soul. It is characterised by total elimination of all mental taints and cravings leading to the supreme state of enlightenment. Moral and ethical life is a prerequisite for holy life but not a sufficient condition for spiritual perfection. Escape from the cycles of birth and death is possible only by inculcating holiness and not through ...
The intellect (Buddhi) is the most important instrument in Self-evolution of the soul. Intellect is the discriminative faculty which reveals the ephemeral nature of things around and brings faith in the eternal nature of the soul. The one, whose intellect has been carried away by the violent sense-organs, quickly perishes. Therefore, purification and enlightenment of the intellect is the prime means for self-protection. Sandhya Vandanam aims at the three-fold ...
Spiritual knowledge is the supreme among all types of knowledge. The Shruti Says 'Advaita Darshnam Jnanam'. Vision of non-duality is true knowledge. The Upanishads have revealed this non-dual Knowledge which is to be awakened through the process of Shravanam (listening), Mananam (reflecting) and Nithidhyasanam (meditation). This book presents the doctrine of Upanishad (Upanishad Matam) in a very rational and lucid manner in the perspective of modern ...