R K Arora

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Showing all 17 books
This book highlights all aspects of air pollutants, their sources and effects; the mechanics and dynamics of atmospheric aerosols; and the chemistry and physics of air pollution. Each and every aspect of the various topics with the applications of new concepts have been described. The book is well illustrated with superbly accurate diagrams, that are usually self-explanatory and aptly integrated with the text. This comprehensive text book is designed to provide a ...
The purpose of this book is to provide best information about the nutritive value of India food stuff for the benefit of all those interested in practical deities. The subject is an important part of the course contents of the universities and other institutes related to food and nutrition. After independence seminars were organised on various aspects of food and population to promote the subject for a healthy and vibrant India. In preparing this work, we have ...
The subject of family relationship and child development forms an integral part of the course contents of the universities and the specialized institutions working on the topic. Aim of this book is to make available to the readers relevant, upto date knowledge on this important aspect of the family and the child development. Efforts has been made to provide various dimensions and different aspect of family and child health in their developmental processes. In ...
Public administration is being identified with bureaucracy. The working of public administration is therefore to be understood in terms of working of the bureaucracy. Bureaucracy in some form or other has been known to the human society for a long time. Its role and function and its nature in modern society has been explained by thinkers like Max Weber and Karl Marx. The working of civil services in modern times has given rise to variety of problems and issues. ...
The public administration as we study today, is a product of certain evolutionary processes. It also means its evolution in modern times. It true nature and functions can be understood against the background of the nature of administration in various societies. Therefore frontiers of public administration may not be studied merely as a tool of technique but as something which is concerned with public good and therefore public policy which is the object also of ...
Public Administration is the complex of governmental activities that are undertaken in public interest at different levels. It aims at a systematic study of these activities. Government is the major regular of social life. The historical movement has been from regulation to service and welfare of the people. Aim of this book is to understand this historical evolution in public Administration in India. It examines the elements of continuity and change in the ...
To-day administration has to be goal-oriented, change-oriented, innovative responsive, motivational and integrated. Public Administration is decision making, planning the work, formulating objectives, working with the legislature and citizen oerganisations, directing and supervising employees, providing leadership, determining work methods, exercising controls. Aims of the book is therefore to examine and understand the various perspectives of the public ...
Today the world is at crossroads. How should the present policies be changed and what steps need to be taken to approach the long-term goal of peaceful and nuclear weapon free world? Technology is undergoing revolutionary changes. Are we heading for more sophisticated weapons of Mass destructions of submitting to faith which Einstein invoked before his death? This is a million dollar question on which hangs the future of our civilization. This book aims at ...
The earning from tourism have made it one of the world's largest industries. It is the fasted growing sector of global trade. Hence the great importance of Tourism Planning and Human Resource Development. Aim of this book is to provide to our readers different aspects of tourism planning and human resource developments. Selection of the material has been made in accordance with the course contents of various studies being organized by ...
The Indus treaty is a complex instrument. Its basic approach was to increase the amount of water available to India and Pakistan. It is to apportion the water resources of the Indus equitably between them. The conclusion of the treaty in 1960 was a remarkable achievement. Aim of this book is to prepare for our readers a comprehensive and uptodate account of the dispute as well as the present treaty regime applicable to the waters of the Indus Rivers System.
The growth and development of public administration is to be seen in terms of the changing nature of organisations from small to big, simple to complex, local to national and international. The organisation is the key to public administration. Therefore, the need to understand the organisation dynamics and various concepts regarding organisation. Thus, this book aims at examining these issues. This will enable the reader a proper understanding of the growth and ...
Revolution in information technology necessitates a new look on the text book on Indian administration. The concept of good governance, new thinking on development, decentralised planning have added new vision to the subject. Attempt in this text book has been made to select for our readers, important, innovative and relevant essays on this subject, contributed by prominent scholars to the updating and enrichment of the various aspects of Indian administration. ...