S.C. Joshi

Showing all 18 books
Non-formal education is an arrangement wherein flexibility is the key word. The system is an open one with regard to various aspects of education i.e. admissions, curricular, place of instruction, mode of instruction, and the time and duration of instruction. Open university, open learning and correspondence courses are some examples of such a system. It connotes a departure from the existing pattern of full time schooling in order to meet the needs of that ...
Social Work, previously a branch of sociology, has blossomed as a full-fledged academic discipline besides a much sought-after profession now. This book gives a vivid account of all vital issues pertaining to social work, its concept, principles and practices. A dependable reference and handbook for social activists/workers, professionals, besides the students and teachers.
Demographically, women constitute almost a half of the total population. But biological sex difference has caused wide discrimination between men and women. Though any discrimination on the basis of sexual differences in unjust, the body differences do not warrant such discriminatory differentiation, they are only socially produced. Emancipation and empowerment of women have recently gained momentum. One way to empower women is to educate them and to make them ...
Etymologically, “Social problem†is a problem in human relationships which seriously threatens society itself or impedes the important aspirations of many people. Social problems, emerged with the very beginning of society – in one form or the other. With the growth and development of society, social problems, became complex. ‘Selfishness’, ‘self-centredness’ etc., are at the core of social problems. In this book, we have compiled invaluable ...
"Man is born free and is everywhere in chains'. Human Rights are inherent to man as being human person. Variously known as 'Fundamental Rights' or Natural rights everybody everywhere is entitled to enjoy the privilege of Human Rights. Universal Declaration of Human Rights and subsequent all covenants on human rights, to which most of the nation-states are signatory, are attempts in the direction of upholding and ensuring the cause of human rights. Despite ...
Wordsworthian saying “ child is the father of manâ€, has a serious connotation that the future of a society/nation largely depends on present day children. But a dismal picture emerges before us when child labour which has been prevalent from vary old times, is still in perpetuation, that too in increasing dimensions and magnitude. Child labour is child abuse which deprives him of fundamental human rights, is a stigma on all modern hi-tech civilized societies. ...
This book has attempted to give an overview of various facets of planning and management of a national information system. In this study we have evaluated the system of information in different ways depending on technical capabilities, operational performance, and utilization of the system. The importance of the national information system as a powerful national pace is now being recognized by the government, industry and education. It is the means of achieving ...
The main objective of writing this book is to enhance the understanding of library problems and responsibility of library development to university administrators and government officials. High-level policy makers, whose decisions directly affect university library development, may find this book helpful in suggesting how they can improve their universities by removing the obstacles which prevent or reduce necessary development of library resources and services. ...