S.N. Mishra

33 books
Greatmen like Karl Marx, Lenin, Gandhi Mao and Ho Chi Minh have all necessarily been epoch-making luminaries, but so far as the case of Dr. Ambedkar's relentless struggles against the callous injustices done to the depressed, low caste people is concerned, he naturally emerged as an apostle figure. He was one of those great men, who from the cradle to the greave, had spent their life in fermenting state of insult, anguish and oppression. Dr. Ambedkar was a ...
The basic objective of our development planning has been growth with social justice. Accordingly, the government has set itself to the goal of reduction in the incidence of poverty and its ultimate eradication within a time-frame. Since the policy did not achieve its goal of eradication of poverty, the new strategy, which sought to directly attack poverty by means of specific programmes meant for certain sections of the society has since been described as the ...
This four-volume study is the outcome of a project undertaken by the ICSSR under the overall leadership of (Late) Prof. S.C. Dube. The study examined the implications of alternative strategies of tribal development so that an informed public opinion could be created to provide necessary inputs into decision making at various levels. The major research areas that have been addressed by the study are : paradigm of tribal development, system of tribal ...
The ‘Social and Economic Impact of Environmental Policies’ is an effort to keep pace with continuing rapid developments in the field of environment as well as with the sampling and analytical techniques which are used for a wide array of social and economic parameters of various environmental policies together. The aim of this book is to provide a useful manual for all environmentalists including environmental students, health planners and agriculture ...
Many people spend large parts of each day indoor-in many cases, 80-90 percent-in a house, an automobile, a waiting room, an office of other workplace, or a confined space accessible to the general public, such as a store or a restaurant. It has shown that indoor exposure to environmental pollutants can be substantial. In the past few decades in the developing countries there have been continuing conflicts, assumed and real, between ecology and development though ...
Many people spend a substantial part of each day indoors-in many cases, 80 to 90 percent-in a house, an automobile, a waiting room, an office or other workplace, or a confined space accessible to the general public, such as a store or a restaurant. It has been shown that indoor exposure to environmental pollutants cab be substantial. Although there is little epidemiologic evidence on the health effects of indoor pollutants, indoor concentration of some pollutants ...
More than 450 million people were found chronically hungry and malnourished during the last decade. Although total food production increased nearly everywhere, it failed to match population growth in many parts of Africa, Asia, and Latin America. Only a small part of the productivity of natural terrestrial ecosystems it Used by man. The development of agriculture and industry has altered the structure and composition of selected systems so as to increase their ...
Governance as a concept remains underdeveloped and therefore remains exposed to a variety of interpretations. However, for the purpose of present book, a simplistic meaning of Governance has been taken which concerns with the problem of management of the affairs of the state. When one talks about governance he has to have in mind—political institutions within which management is exercised with the focus on how the democratic institutions function, the authority ...
Environmental Water resources quality, demand, pollution presents scientific discussion of water quality, demand and pollution, its adverse effects on man on environment and the various methods of its control. The basic aim of the book is to present authentic information on many of the necessary fundamentals needed for the analysis of water resources. Pure water in a scientific sense, is not found in nature. Even the most dilute fresh water contain dissolved ...
In whatever form democratic decentralization, popularly known as Panchayati Raj in our country, was introduced, it faild to deliver good due to the lack of political will. Several committees and Commissions have been appointed since 1957 by the Government of India to suggest ways and means to improve the functioning of these institutions so as to make them an effective instrument of change and development. The present study is an attempt in this direction. The ...
In order to understand man’s special relationship with his environment it is necessary to review his more recent evolution briefly. With greater powers for subduing nature and harnessing natural resources for his own ends, mankind had shown alarming growth in numbers. At first the growth rate was slow. The environment has not only been greatly affected by man’s agricultural activities, but also by industrial development. This book is analyzing the tremendous ...
The concept of land reform has been in use since the days of soloman to the present time when it has evoked a renewed worldwide interest under the aegis of the United Nations. Like other developing countries in India too several measures have been taken in the past and are still being taken to implement Land Reforms effectively and under the Ceiling Acts, hundreds of thousands acres of land have been acquired. However, increasing the size of the cake will be of ...
Gaseous substances are released in to the atmosphere, seen as a reservoir with unlimited assimilating capacity. Air being of vital importance, cannot be exploited to the extremes when it becomes unsafe for use. Its capacity to assimilate waste gases is not unlimited. A scientific assessment of air quality and its capacity to assimilate pollutants for safeguarding atmosphere should form the basis of a national air quality management programme. A number of events ...
Participative management and development including planning have assumed greater significance, particularly, in the developing countries whose economies are basically rural. Development participation, particularly rural development participation, involves a complex process of change in rural subsystems and their interactions resulting into desired improvements in rural incomers, employment opportunities , rural welfare and allied aspects of rural life. A good ...
Some 15,000 year ago man was an unobtrusive species within the living world; this effect on the environment was relatively small and he was well adapted, like other members of the fauna, to the ecosystems of which he was part. But his brain was developing fast and he was becoming much more effective in making stone implements, so he began to make a greater impact on his environment. The tremendous technological achievements of the past century brought many ...
Decentralisation of planning process of late has become a matter of worldwide concern. Decentralisation through involvement of local level representative institutions in the formulation of plans for development as well as their implementation is advocated in interest of efficient utilization of resources and for ensuring more equitable sharing of benefits from development. Accordingly decentralized planning is not a new concept for India. Though introduced in ...
With continued economic growth, Population increase, urbanization and technical development, more and more waste materials were discharged into natural sources of water, like rivers, lakes, ocean, etc. During the decade extensive efforts were made in the developed countries to assert this pollutions by treating the growing volume of waste discharge. Rivers have always been the dumping ground for man’s unwanted waste material. It is astonishing how much waste ...
Decentralization is an ideological principle associated with objectives of self-reliance, democratic decision making, popular participation in development and accountability of public officials to citizens. Thus decentralization is a political decision, and its implementation is a reflection of a country’s political process. Development is the exploitation and management of the resources of nature in such a way that they are put under the control of man and are ...
The present book basically impact practical information on environmental air and water pollution analysis. One of its objects is to escape from academic of polemical theorizing and to develop an understanding of the processes of pollution situation from the core of pure science, through practical steps in assessment to the valid appraisal of overall effects. The volume will prove of immense use and informative to a wide range of readers, directly or indirectly ...
Governance now not only occupies centrestage in development discourse but is also considered as the crucial element to be incorporated in development strategy. Apart from the universal acceptance of its importance, differences, however, prevail in respect of theoretical formulations, policy prescriptions and conceptualisation of the subject itself. Moreover, conceptualization is the basis of theoretical formulation and influences policy making in a significant ...
In order to understand man’s social relationship with his environment, it is necessary to review his more recent evolution briefly. During the past two and a half decades a wave of the environmental consciousness and concern is being discussed and developed in India and other countries. This book is an effort to keep pace with the continuing rapid developments in all areas of environmental pollutions. Specially the types of environmental pollutions such as air ...
“An Introduction to man and his environmentâ€, as the title sounds itself, the present volume describes man and his environment and various kinds of pollutions which he comes across in the surrounding. Man’s brain has developed to an incredible extent over the past several thousand years. This has allowed him to become more independent of animal instincts and more capable of exploratory and creative actions, but at the same time it has increased his powers ...