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Education is an organic entity. It has evolved to meet the emerging needs and demands from time to time. Starting from the 'Gurukul System', it graduated into the 'Classroom System'. With the realisation that education is a resource for socio-economic development, the demand for life-long learning, Education for All as well as higher education brought education to the centre stage as never before. This generated pressure on the higher education system. ...
Distance Education is expanding at a faster rate cutting across national and regional boundaries. With the advent and spread of information and communication technology (ICT), distance education has embarked on a path of collaboration, networking and globalization. Quality and accreditation of distance learning programmes and experiences have become highly significant in the ICT-enabled education system. This edited book is a compilation of selected papers ...
The evolution of distance education in India in forms of dual mode, single mode and consortia has been phenomenal. The system today is one of the largest distance education networks in the world comprising dual mode university distance education institutes, single mode open universities, dual mode secondary education, single mode open schools, distance education council/consortium, and many private and semi-government providers of education and training. The four ...
The emergence of the system of open and distance education is an inevitable and phenomenal evolution in the history of educational developments internationally. While the formal system of education continues to be the mainstream of educational transaction, it has its inherent limitations with regard to expansion, provision of access and equity and cost-effectiveness. On the other hand, the growth of information and communication technologies has facilitated the ...