Showing all 11 books
Rural credit is made up of the following: one, credit disbursed by commercial banks, regional rural banks and the cooperative banks and credit societies constituting the formal sector; two, micro credit involving the bank-SHG linkage and the Micro Finance Institutions (MFIs); three credit being extended by the banks through government employment generation programmes like Swarnajayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana, which involves an element of government subsidy and ...
Employment generation is possible in the rural areas only through access to land but rural labor markets all over the world are having a transformation where there has been a diversification of employment opportunities with non-farm employment having gained importance. Investment in services such as education and health are of prime importance in strengthening the capacity of rural people to leave the remote areas and compete in higher skill markets. Actually in ...
While the general rate of tariffs in the US is low, it is high in the case of agriculture. Together with high tariffs, the US also provides heavy subsidies to its farmers. The same is true with the EU. Both developed and developing countries provide subsidies to their farmers under various headings, though developed countries subsidize their farmers to a much greater extent than developing countries. This has the consequence of world prices being much lower than ...
An important part of all developing economies is the informal sector, which accounts for a significant proportion of employment generation. The informal economy consists of not only wage and self-employment in the informal sector but casual (wage) employment in the formal sector. This sector is not registered, and so does not appear in official statistics and is not liable to pay taxes and is therefore not involved in illegal activities such as drug peddling. At ...
Healthcare for the aged has become an issue of immediate global concern due to higher cost of medication. Today’s aged women or men have full-fledged participation in social gatherings (comprising their age only), health clubs and also health insurance schemes with minimal cost. Good health is imperative for older people in order to remain independent and continue to contribute to their families and communities. In developing countries, cost of health care and ...
A self help group (SHG) is a micro-cooperative whose activities comprise income-generation, overcoming addiction and ensuring safe sex, and propagating microfinance. Indian banks have found that lending to an SHG is good as the recovery rate is 90-100 percent. Despite this, poor families cannot cross the poverty line as the average amount loaned to them is very small. It is hoped this book will prove useful to NGOs, bank officials, economists, scholars and ...
Flexicurity is characterized by OECD as follows: moderate employment protection legislation; adequate unemployment benefits; active involvement in life long learning; considerable spending on labour market policies; wide coverage of social security systems and wide trade union coverage. And the outcomes are high employment rates and low poverty rates. The OECD, ILO and the European Commission all uniformly hold the flexicurity policies as being responsible for ...
Micro-enterprises help low income people to escape poverty. Women owned businesses are one of the fastest growing sectors of micro-enterprises. Economic growth, stability and equity can be achieved significantly through micro-enterprises. Micro-enterprise support programs aim to help people of modest means to start, strengthen, and/or expand very small businesses. Micro-enterprises can prosper only if financial services are available. Several international ...
Globalization is a phenomenon which has its impact on a wide range of fields, higher education being one of them. A good definition of internationalization is that given by the Australian Vice Chancellors' Committee: "the complex process that gives the universities an international dimension". International education has principally taken three forms: One, students traveling abroad to study in a foreign location; two, universities establishing a joint ...
The world we live in is facing myriad problems related to business economy and environment. Various negative factors such as overpopulation, bio-degradation, climatic imbalance, over-pollution, rapid industrialization and depletion of natural capital are gradually degrading our mother earth and threatening the very existence of mankind. Environmental conservation and business economy have become global concerns. There is an ever-increasing need to combine ...
Businesses are susceptible to damage and destruction on account of natural and man-made disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes, floods, fires, chemical spills and acts of terrorism. Hartigan spells out three kinds of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the context of disasters. The first model of CSR involves "safety at the workplace and harmony with the immediate environment". It means a training programme for the staff of the company on ...