Geriatric Health Care: Global Scenario

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Healthcare for the aged has become an issue of immediate global concern due to higher cost of medication. Today’s aged women or men have full-fledged participation in social gatherings (comprising their age only), health clubs and also health insurance schemes with minimal cost. Good health is imperative for older people in order to remain independent and continue to contribute to their families and communities. In developing countries, cost of health care and distance in the case of rural areas may prevent the aged from accessing the doctors. Primary health care should be provided to the aged in rural areas by the government free of cost. The National Health Service of UK is one such endeavor by the government. Due to mass awareness programmes, people who are aged are becoming aware of their disabilities and eventually they seek medication. Both the developed and the developing countries are engaged in active participation to eradicate diseases in order to make the life of the aged a healthy life. The governments are taking initiatives through commitment to promote healthcare of the aged in an effective way. This book "Geriatric Health Care: Global Scenario" comprises two sections: I – "Developing Countries" and II – "Developed Countries". The first section projects various developing countries’ initiatives in regard to the healthcare system for the elderly and the second section further elaborates on various issues in the old age and the recovery of the aged through mechanized medication.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Sridhar Krishna

Sridhar Krishna holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the Centre for Economic Studies and Planning, Jawaharlal Nehru University. He is currently Consulting Editor, Icfai Business School Research Centre, Bangalore. Before joining Icfai, he has served as a Consultant for the Institute for Social and Economic Change and for the Institute for Studies in Industrial Development. Besides these, he worked as an Associate Consultant at the Indian Council for Research on International Economic Relations; as a Fellow at the Institute for Human Development; as an Associate Editor for Indian Journal for Labour Economics; as a Lecturer at the Indian Institute of Finance; and as a Research Officer at the Centre for Budget and Policy Studies. He has to his credit several articles published in the Economic and Political Weekly.


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Geriatric Health Care: Global Scenario
1st ed.