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Diet plays a crucial role in promoting or preventing a disease. Especially when down with a disease, simply swallowing pills will not prove as effective if dietary guidelines are ignored. The appropriate therapeutic diet can speed up the recovery process and even boost the immune response. However diet is one aspect of therapy that even doctors many a times fail to give due importance to Simply put, over nutrition, under nutrition or wrong nutrition must equally ...
Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, recognized that medical therapy must be consistent with the nature and design of the human body. He believed that effective health care could not be separated from nutrition. He stressed prevention of disease by strongly recommending a balanced diet with a moderate and sensible life style. Hippocrates wrote, "Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease Everything in excess in opposed to nature To do ...
Up and down UG’s torso, neck and head, at those points which Indian holy men call charkas, his friends observe swellings of various shapes and colours, which came and went at intervals. On his lower abdomen the swellings were horizontal, cigar-shaped bands. Above the navel was a hard, almond-shaped swelling. A hard, blue swelling, like a large medallion, at the base of his throat. These two medallions were as though suspended from a multicoloured, swollen ring ...
Diet perhaps is the most critical component of our day-to-day existence.Wrong diet can play havoc with our lives and make our lives miserable forever-while the right diet can make us healthy and happy.! Consequently its role in promoting or preventing a disease remains critical.The appropriate therapeutic diet can speed up the recovery process and even boost the immune system. Simply put, over-nutrition, under-nutrition or wrong nutrition must equally be avoided ...
Hippocrates, the father of medicine, recognized that the medical therapy must be consistent with the nature and the design of the human body. He believed that the effective health care could not be separated from nutrition. He stressed prevention of disease by strongly recommending a balanced diet with a moderate and sensible lifestyle. Hippocrates wrote, natural forces within us are the true healers of disease... Everything in excess is opposed to nature... To ...
Over the past decades there has been a growing concern world over about the higher deposits of cholesterol in human body resulting in life-threatening diseases in millions of people. The solution is to understand the genesis of the problem and devise ways to be free from it. The author opines that it is not only higher intake of fats but other factors such as excess weight, lack of exercise, alcohol, smoking and stress which lead to high level of cholesterol in ...
As humans, we lead a life full of struggle and strife. During trying moments, we might knowingly or unknowingly indulge in actions that may be sinful. After a certain time, the wrong actions start weighing us down, and our conscience prods us to atone for our sins. That is when we consider visiting a teertha, where we can go and ask for forgiveness. Such a spiritual journey is termed as a pilgrimage or teertha yatra, which is one of the distinguished facets of ...