Earth Science

906 books
The book is designed to cover the recent researches carried-out by the scholars from across the world. It covers aspects related to Foraminifera, in biostratigraphy and paleoecology, isotopic studies, applicability as bio-indicators in pollution studies, taxonomy of Indo-Pacific assemblages, studies of history of ocean bottom oxygenation and experimental studies; Radiolaria from Antarctic Ocean; Microbalites including Diatoms in studying threats and conservation ...
Due to unprecedented growth in population and the resultant massive mining of energy resources, especially the non-renewable resources and also water resources, these resources have gradually become scarce commodities. Hence the geoscientists and the technocrats from all over the world have embarked into many fold research programmes for locating newer reservoirs of these resources and also to develop models to conserve and sustainably exploit them. As this ...
This book discusses the fundamental principles of different branches of geology prescribed in the syllabus, so that the students acquire basic knowledge of the subject. The book consists of basic concepts and practical aspects of these subjects as prescribed syllabus of Civil and Mining Engineering courses in various Universities and Institutes.
Humans take more than their geological share of water, but they do not benefit from it equally. This imbalance has created an era of intense water scarcity that affects the security of individuals, states, and the global economy. For many, this brazen water grab and the social inequalities it produces reflect the lack of a coherent philosophy connecting people to the planet. Challenging this view, Jeremy Schmidt shows how water was made a “resource” ...
Historical Geology of India’ is a text book for graduate and post-graduate students of geology, geophysics and other earth sciences for Indian Universities. It also caters to the universities of USA, UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canada as one or two credit courses on regional studies are included in the curriculum. Besides it can be useful to professional geologists and geophysicists working on various projects in India.
The book has been specially ...
Contents: 1. Introduction
2. Study area
3. Data sources and methods
3.1. Satellite data
3.2. Glacier lake mapping
3.3. Glacier lake classification
3.4. Glacier lake inventory parameters
4. Glacier lake distribution in Uttarakhand
4.1 The Tons basin
4.2 The Yamuna basin
4.3 The Bhagirathi basin
4.4 The Bhilangna basin
4.5 The Mandakini basin
4.6 The Alaknanda basin
4.7 The Pinder basin
4.8 The Goriganga basin
4.9 The Dhauliganga basin
4.10 The Kutiyangti basin
5. ...
Chapter 1: Introduction
Foreland Basin, Lower Tertiary successions, Siwalik Group
Chapter 2: Historical review of the vertebrate faunal discoveries
Chapter 3: Classification of the Siwalik Group
Classification proposed By Pilgrim
Classification for the Murree and Siwalik successions in Pakistan
Biostratigraphic Interval-Zones based on Magnetostratigraphy
Classification based on Energy Sequence
Chapter 4: Mammalian faunas of the Siwalik Group
Chapter 5: ...
‘Desertification’’ means land degradation in arid, semiarid, and dry sub-humid areas resulting from various factors, including climatic variations and human activities. Combat Desertification advocates for the importance of inclusive cooperation to restore and rehabilitate degraded land and contribute towards achieving the overall Sustainable Development Goals. Land has been an overlooked component in sustainable development for years. Now, we ...
Space technologies can play important roles in the reduction of disasters. The use of such technologies can be particularly useful in the risk assessment, mitigation and preparedness phases of disaster management. Space technologies are also vital to the early warning and management of the effects of the disaster. It plays a great role in disaster management in such areas as flooding, cyclones, drought, desertification, earthquake and tsunami. Space technology is ...
The book is in the form of a ready reference. The subject matter of stratigraphy is full of names of formations, groups, etc. At times when we need to know about a certain formation for which we do not know the exact stratigraphic position, then we have to search the entire book, page by page, which becomes quite irritating and time consuming. To overcome this problem, the idea of arranging the different formations in an alphabetic order occurred to the author. ...