Biology of Arthropoda

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This fascinating title “Biology of Arthropoda” has been carefully compiled and edited to meet the long felt needs of increasingly large number of those who have to deal with the different aspects of great majority of known animals of the phylum Arthropoda, including crabs, shrimps, insects, spiders, scorpions, ticks and other familiar forms. It provides a balanced and upto date account in a simple, lucid and straight forward manner. The title is intelligible to the educated layman but it deals with some complex ideas. It is an adequate text for all requirements in this area for most university students. Special efforts have been made to explain ideas in non-mathematical terms. The primary aim throughout has been clarity, simplicity and the high standard. It will definitely prove to be a boon to teachers, students, and research scholars in the field of Zoology and Agriculture.


Dr. D.R. Khanna, Ph.D., FIAES, FASEA, FNC, FZSI, FSES is Professor in Department of Zoology and Environmental Science, Gurukula Kangri University, Hardwar (U.A.), India. He is a well known Limnologist and has published about 65 research papers and articles on limnology and aquatic microbiology. He has edited 6 books in the field of Environment and written 5 books in limnology and zoology, and a book of Yajya "Yajya evam Vayu Pradushan". Dr. Khanna is an editor of two journals "Environment Conservation Journal" and "Journal of Natural Conservators" and member of editorial board of three journals. He has also organized several National Seminars as organizing secretary/joint organizing secretary. He is awarded by ASEA Excellence Award-2000, and Nature Conservators Impetus Gold Medal-2003.


Dr. P.R. Yadav did post-graduation from Gorakhpur University, Gorakhpur in 1983 and Ph. D. from Banaras Hindu University in 1988. From 12-11-1990 to 31-08-1996 worked as a scientist at the Silkworm Seed Technology Laboratory, Central Silk Board, Bangalore, During this period visited People Republic of China and did a specialized course on Silkworm Nutrition and Physiology from Zhejiang Agricultural University, Hangzhou, China. Resigned the above post and joined as Lecturer in Department of Zoology, D.A.V. College, Muzaffarnagar conseqwuent upon selection by the U.P. Higher Education Services Commission, Allahabad. Has 20 yars research experience and published numerous research papers in journals of international repute. Editing two journals i.e., journal of Experimental Zoology India and Biochemical and Cellular Archives. Has teaching experience at both the graduate and post graduate level. He Prehistoric Animals, Vanishing Animals, Histology, Entomology.


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Biology of Arthropoda
1st ed.
x+404p., Figures; Tables; Index; 23cm.