This edited volume contains select papers by distinguished b-school academics in the area of Business Communication. The papers were presented in the National Conference on "Communication for Management: Teaching and Research in Indian B- Schools organized by the Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, Delhi during March 7-8-.2006. The papers while highlighting the significance and nuiances of Communication’ inthe corporate context, providea comprehensive overview of the course content. readings. pedagogy , evaluation parameters and feedback mechanism that ought to be evolved and adapted by the instructors handling this course. The objective is to facilitate teachers create awareness among bright young management professionals about the nicepies of the world of communication. which in turn, would help them hone them and reach the top. some insights into research agenda in the area is another attraction for all interested academics and professionals.
Communication for Management
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Communication for Management
1st ed.
Ess Ess Publications, 2007
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