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In order to meet the food, feed, fiber, fuel needs of ever increasing human and animal population world over, particularly in developing nations of Africa and Asia and South America, a commensurate enhancement in crop production has to be in place. The ultimate aim of sustainable agriculture is be to enhance food production on continuous basis while maintaining the natural resource base in accordance with carrying capacity of supporting agro-eco system. Most of the progress in increasing crop production has been realized in favorable environments and high input conditions. In such areas environmental concerns in terms of depletion of natural resource base including soil degradation due to over mining of nutrients, imbalanced fertilization, salinity due to excessive irrigation, water deficits and environmental pollution affecting food chain have already become apparent and points to ponder. Moreover, climatic changes such as increased atmospheric temperature, uncertainly in rainfall; perpetual droughts and floods of varying intensities etc lead to environmental fragility which adversely affects crop production. These are serious issues which need to be looked into, if the food requirements of future generation are to be met on sustainable basis. This would need a holistic system approach to harness natural resources for the welfare for the welfare of mankind through scientific management of land and water resources, use of appropriate agro-technology and judicious exploitation of biodiversity and genetic options for enhancing crop production especially in stress environments. Keeping these facts in view, Jawaharlal Nehru Krishi Vishaw Vidyalaya, jablapur and the society for sustainable Agriculture and Resource management (SSARM) jointly organized an International Conference on "Sustainable Crop Production in Stress Environment: Management and genetic Options" during Feb. 9-12, 2005 at JNKVV, Jabalpur (M.P.), India. This book is based on the research findings presented by eminent scientists from India and abroad. Major purpose of this publication is to highlight the technologies related to management of natural resources and crop improvement/gene technologies that are developed at global level to minimize the effects of biotic and abiotic stress on crop production and for ameliorating yield and stress tolerance potential of crops in green and grey areas as well as socio-economic aspects.
Ph.D. is senior scientist, Plant breeding and genetics at JN Agricultural University, Jabalpur, MP, India. Dr. Khare has joined the university in 1985 as Assistant Professor. At present he is associated with Seed technology research of NSP (Crops) an ICAR project and working on characterization of crop varieties. he has published technical bulletins (ICAR) on characterization of all the varieties of soybean, pigeon, mung bean, urid bean and sunflower in active seed commerce and presently characterizing verities of sesame, linseed, field pea and lentil. He has published three books and 75 research papers. He is regularly involved in teaching at Bachelor, Master and Doctorate degree programmes. He is a life member of Indian Society of genetics and Plant breeding and Indian Society of seed technology.
Mohan S. Bhale is the senior scientist (Plant Pathology) at Department of Breeding and Genetics, Jawaharlal Nehru Agricultural university (JNKVV), Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh, India. He obtained his Master of Science in Agricultural Plant Pathology in 1978 and Ph.D. in 1992, both from JNKVV Jabalpur. He started his professional career as Assistant professor and involved in studies on diseases of field crops and their management since 1979. He is working on seed borne diseases of major field crops. His publications include research and review articles, book chapters, manual and bulletin, working sheets and edited proceedings. He has conducted training on seed health, seed certification and production management to the people engaged with seed trading and production. He is associated with several professional societies including Indian Phytopathological Society, Indian Society of Mycology and Plant Pathology, Association of Plant Pathologist of India, Indian Society of Seed technology, Indian Oilseed Society. He is also a member of Agri-History Foundation. He was honoured as a fellow of Indian Phytopathological Society, Indian Society of Mycology and Plant pathology. He is the chief Editor of JNKVV research Journal, JNKVV, Jabalpur. He is the Author of two books including Seed technology and seed borne Diseases Objectionable in seed production and their Management. He has edited 10 books and training manuals and notes.
Dr. R.K. Behl, serving as professor of Plant Breeding at CCS Haryana Agricultural University Hisar, India secured first position in B.Sc. (Agriculture) and M.Sc. (PLant Breeding), has been Editor-in Chief of Annals of Biology for two decades, associate editor of Annals of Agri Bio research, Editorial Board Member of Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science (Germany), International Advisory Board member of Tropics (Japan), has about 200 publications in international and national journals and 16 edited books, has 28 year’s teaching and research experience in plant breeding, has been awarded Bharat Ratna C Subhramaniyam Award for Outstanding teachers by Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, Honorary DAAD Advisor by German Academic exchange Service, Bonn (Germany), has been founder Secretary of Society for Sustainable Agriculture and resource Management (SSARM), has been nominated as Vice President, International Council of Sustainable Agriculture (Canada), organized eight international Conference in India and abroad, has been associated with the development of plant material with specifically useful traits for stress tolerance and plant microbe interactions.
Ph.D. (Botany) with specialization in ecology is a Professor (Agril. Botany and Crop Physiology), Dept. of Crop and herbal Physiology, JNKVV, Jabalpur, M.P., India. he did his postdoctoral degree from University of Florida, USA in Forestry (1987-1988) and advance training the Agroforestry Management from University of New England, Australia (1997). His significant contribution in wasteland development through agroforestry at Madhya Pradesh include his direction as Pl of the Project on technology development, Extension in Agroforestry for Wasteland Development sponsored by Ministry of Rural development, GOI, new Delhi. He has 26 years of experience in teaching, research and extension in the field of Medicinal Plants and Agroforestry. He is a resource person as expert member in various academic institutions dealing with Botany, Forestry and Medicinal Plants. His area of specialization also includes carbon sequestration, climate change, tree-crop interaction etc. He has more than 50 research papers in his credit in referred journals of plant science.
Dr. Tomar born on 01.07.1946, did his Ph.D. in Soil Science with specialization in Soil Physics in 1973 from G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and technology, Pantnagar (Uttaranchal), served largely in SAUs Professor, head of department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, and dean, RAK College of Agriculture, Sehore and Director of Extension Services. At present he is holding a position of Director of research services and dean, faculty of Agriculture, JNKVV, Jabalpur. He has received prestigious Jawaharlal Nehru Award –1974 (ICAR) and the Best KVK Award 2000-01 (ICAR). Dr. Tomar has the honour of being recognized as “Fellow of the Indian Society of Soil science†and “Fellow of National Academy of Agricultural scienceâ€. He has published more than 80 research papers in journals of national and international repute, 30 technical popular articles, 9 books/manual/bulletins, JNKVV Soil Science news, chapter in books on various aspects of Soil Science, Natural resources management, Integrated Nutrient management, Integrated Pest management and Agri-Policy Analysis. He developed agroclimatic zone wise and district wise plan for increasing agricultural production and developing the income of farmers. He brought out in print a monumental publication on Soil Resources and Agro-Climatic of Madhya Pradesh which provides complete information on all aspects of Soils of the state and their management. He has guided several M.Sc. and Ph.D. students. Dr. Tomar contributed significantly for developing and spreading improved Soil and water Management technology like phenomenon of wilting in rice, irrigation scheduling and soil-plant-water relations in rice and wheat, microlysimeter, solution of Khariff fallowing in poorly drained black soils, soil tillage-cum-seeding technology for rabi crops, watershed management, tillage in rice-wheat cropping system in black soils, established Centre of Advanced Studies in Soil science (ICAR) etc.
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