Delhi Human Development Report 2006: Partnerships for Progress

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Human development is a concern with widening people’s choices, enhancing capabilities, and promoting security in the lives of the poor. Implicit in this perspective is a strong concern for equity, human rights, and social justice. This is the first Human Development Report prepared for Delhi. Delhi, as the nation’s capital, is different from other Indian states and Union Territories in many respects. It has a strong magnetic appeal to Indians across the country. It is home to the President of India and the seat of the Union Government. At the same time, it has an elected government headed by the Chief Minister. Delhi needs to provide not merely for its fourteen million residents but for many more who come to visit and work every day and also for thousands who migrate every years to this city-state. Eminent scholars, experts, non-government organizations, social activists, research institutions, and international agencies have collaborated with the Government of Delhi to prepare this Report. The Report argues that further strengthening of partnerships between Government and citizens is essential for attaining the Delhi Development Goals and for the betterment of Delhi. Delhi HDR 2006 will be an invaluable resource for policymakers, academics, and researchers in the field of development studies, health, economics, and politics, as also for activists in organizations who wish to know more about this modern megapolis and the public actions needed for improving the quality of life in Delhi.


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Delhi Human Development Report 2006: Partnerships for Progress
1st ed.
xvi+118p., Tables; Figures; References; 29cm.