Empowerment of Women and Girl Child

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Since independence, the Government of India’s policies for women’s development have evolved in emphasis, from an initial welfare oriented approach to the current focus on development and empowerment. Empowerment of women is a primary object of the tenth plan. Women can be the primary agents for empowering individuals to transform society. They alone can inculcate in their children the self-esteem and respect for others essential for the advancement of civilization. The present endeavour focuses on impact and empowerment of developmental programmes for mother and girl child in Haryana state. The study provides valuable insight in developmental programmes for mother and girl child in terms of existing knowledge and impact of selected developmental programmes, constraints affecting the knowledge, attitude and utilization of programme benefits. This book will be useful and informative for scholars, researchers, government and non-government agencies for planning and implementing programmes and policies. It would also help the planners to strengthen these programmes and facilities and give guidelines to other organizations involved in empowerment of women and children.


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Empowerment of Women and Girl Child
1st ed.
ix+110p., Plates; 23cm.