The present book greatly emphasize on importance of medicinal plants which are all around us. Various scriptures and mantras in our Vedas are having description about their medicinal values. This book covers the quality research on numerous medicinal plants and factors for their deteriorating and how we can save them is given. This book could provide necessary information to the people involved in cultivation and conservation of medicinal plants.
Dr. D.R. Khanna, Ph.D., FIAES, FASEA, FNC, FZSI, FSES is Professor in Department of Zoology and Environmental Science, Gurukula Kangri University, Hardwar (U.A.), India. He is a well known Limnologist and has published about 65 research papers and articles on limnology and aquatic microbiology. He has edited 6 books in the field of Environment and written 5 books in limnology and zoology, and a book of Yajya "Yajya evam Vayu Pradushan". Dr. Khanna is an editor of two journals "Environment Conservation Journal" and "Journal of Natural Conservators" and member of editorial board of three journals. He has also organized several National Seminars as organizing secretary/joint organizing secretary. He is awarded by ASEA Excellence Award-2000, and Nature Conservators Impetus Gold Medal-2003.
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