Aphids constitute the largest group of insect-vectors of plant viruses and have worldwide importance as the most important group of crop pests. The Fauna of India and the adjacent countries, in this group, forms about 16% of the world fauna. The "Fauna of India and the adjacent countries" on Aphidoidea has been published in six parts (part I –Chaitophorinae, II-Lachninae, III-Pemphiginae, IV –Poloemyzinae, Anoeciinae and Hormaphidinae, V –Dreoanosiptinae and VI-Greenideinae). This is the last part-7(1) -Tribe Aphidini of subfamily Aphidinae. In this part, a total of fiftyone species/subspecies in ten genera have been dealt. Besides taxonomic accounts of the species, information on host plant association, natural enemies of aphids, association with ants, distribution, biology/Lifecycle etc. are included in the present contribution, The work is expected to be of use to the aphidologists in the subcontinental region and also to the specialists engaged in studies of insect-pant co-evolution, phylogeny and distribution of phyphahous group of insects. The present volume forms the 7th part (1) (Aphidinae: Aphidini) of Aphidoidea. The Tribe Aphidini is one of the little known tribes of Aphidoidea, largely restricted to south and Southeast Asia. In this volume a total of ten genera and fifty one species and subspecies have been dealt with from this region. Information on biology for many of the species remains far from being complete and with a view to fill up this lacuna results of investigations from other regions have often been incorporated. The material for the present work was obtained from several sources, both institutional and personal collections, besides from the collections of Zoological Survey of India.
Fauna of India and the Adjacent Countries: Homoptera : Aphidoidea, Part VII (I): Subfamily Aphidinae, Tribe Aphidini
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Fauna of India and the Adjacent Countries: Homoptera : Aphidoidea, Part VII (I): Subfamily Aphidinae, Tribe Aphidini
1st ed.
viii+244p., Tables; Figures; References; Plates; 25cm.
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