This book on forage grasses and legumes is an attempt in documenting basic information about important species of grasses and legumes of both tropical and temperate region. Attempt has also been made to present information about their origin, morphological description, reproduction, chromosome number, seed characteristics, adaptability, herbage production and herbage quality. It is hoped that these information would be helpful in knowing our forage grasses and legumes better for efficient utilization particularly of waste, barren, rangelands and mountainous area through increase in herbage production and inturn livestock production. There are a large number of grasses and legumes of annual growth habit and are under cultivation on arable land for fodder purpose. These have not been covered in this book. There is need of greater attention of farmers as well as Government institutions to augment forage resources for improving livestock productivity to improve the economy of farmers particularly in developing countries.

Forage Grasses and Legumes
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A. Singh is an experienced researcher and a seasoned teacher since 1988 having thirteen years teaching experience at Post Graduation level. After taking his graduation degree from Deen Dayal Upadhyay University, Gorakhpur (formerly Gorakhpur University) and Master's degree (in Ist division and second position in order of Merit) from Lucknow university, Lucknow in 1975, he took his Ph.D. degree from the Chaudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut. Since then he is engaged in fulfilling his studies on organometallic chemistry. At present he is working as Senior lecturer in M.M.H. College, Ghaziabad. He is guiding many research Students for their Doctorate degree.
Dr. L.N. Singh is working as Associate Director at Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishva Vidyalaya, Regional Station, Dhaulakuan, HP. He worked as Economic Botanist (Fodder) at H.P.K.V. Palampur from 1970-1981 and then as Chief Scientist at Regiional Station, Dhaulakuan and Bajaura (Kullu) for eight years. Dr. Singh obtained his B.Sc. (Agri.) and M.Sc. (Agric-Botany) from Government Agricultural College, Kanpur and id Ph.D. from University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada in 1967. His main interest of research has been Forage Breeding and improvement and Management of Natural Grassland. An awardee of United Kingdom’s Stapledon Fellowship. Dr. Shing worked at Welsh Plant Breeding Institute, Abarystwyh, UK in 1984. Dr. Singh has published over 100 research and 30 popular articles. 5 Bulletins and a book on Foreign Grasses and Legumes. He has attended a number of international conference and has visited USA, Canada, UK, U.A.R. and Pakistan.
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Bibliographic information
Forage Grasses and Legumes
1st ed.
133p., Tables; Plates; References; Index.
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