SARVAM (Sri Aurobindo Rural & Village Action & Movement), the rural development unit of Sri Aurobindo Society in Pondicherry has put into practice an innovative concept in rural development which we call ‘Integral Rural Development’. It fascinates development professionals for two reasons. One, it provides a spiritual perspective to rural development practice. In other words, the approach aims at bringing about rural development that is human-spirit centric, rather than narrowing it down to the conventional economic senses. The second reason is SARVAM has actually implemented the concept of integral rural development on the ground in Tamil Nadu. It is not just a concept on paper or in mind. What rural transformation has taken place through this innovative approach to rural development is what this book is about. It also explains for the benefit of those who want to emulate this model, the process adopted and the principles that emerge. In fact, it might be considered as a new frontier in rural development practice, pushing the edges of development literature to newer horizons.
Integral Rural Development: A Rural Transformation Experiment by Sri Aurobindo Society, Puducherry
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G. Palanithurai teaches Political Science and Development Administration at the Post-Graduate level in Rural University, Gandhigram. Tamil Nadu, Currently he is the chairman of the Department of Politics and Public Administration. He has a number of books to his credit. Some of the important titles include Reaction and Response in Legislature, Role Perception of Legislators, A Comparative Analysis of Political Performance of DMK and AIADMK, Perspectives on Indian Regionalism,Ethnic Movement in India: Theory and Practice, Dynamics of Tamil Nadu Politics in Sri Lankan Ethnicity, Indian Polity: Myth and Reality and Management of ethnic Conflict in India and Canada He has written extensively in national and international Journals on Legislative Behaviour and Ethnicity. He has completed a major research project funded by ICSSR besides other minor projects. He was awarded Shastri Indo Canadian Institute fellowship to visit Canada and the US to write a book on Ethnic Conflict Management in Canada and India. He has undertaken major project entitled, Strategies to stimulate upward Social Mobility, with The Mother's Service Society, Pondicherry. He is actively involved in the thinktank group in Tamil Nadu to prepare an Agenda for 21st Century, Tamil Nadu. He is a life member of various professional associations.
Dr. R. Ramesh is a Professor at the Institute for Ocean Management, Anna University, Chennai, India. He received his MPhil and Phd in Environmental Sciences from the Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India and another doctorate in Earth and Planetary Sciences from McGill University, Montreal, Canada. His current reseaerch interests include coastal ecosystem management, global climate change and biogeochemical cycles in coastal and riverine ecosystems. He is recipient of the Department of Science and Technology's (DST) BOYSCAST Award and the Indian National Science Academy's (INSA) Exchange Award to conduct advanced research on globalclimate change at Harvard University, USA in 1994 and at the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany during 1996-97 respectively. he has to his credit more than 50 research papers published in leading international journals. He has authored a book and edited five others relating to coastal environment and water resources management. Prof. Ramesh has been operating several research projects sponsored by Government of India as well as international funding agencies.
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Integral Rural Development: A Rural Transformation Experiment by Sri Aurobindo Society, Puducherry
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Integral Rural Development: A Rural Transformation Experiment by Sri Aurobindo Society, Puducherry
1st. ed.
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