Introduction To Taxonomy Of Angiosperms

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Taxonomy is one of the oldest biological disciplines. This book presents an account of general principles and aims of taxonomy in a comprehensive manner. It has been written mainly to cater the needs of undergraduate students pursuing courses in Botany/Life Sciences/Plant Sciences, but it will be useful for postgraduate students of these disciplines as well.
The book gives a critical account of the important systems of classification and salient features of the APG II (Angiosperm Phylogeny Group, 2003) system of plant taxonomy. It mentions the important rules of plant nomenclature, and various codes of nomenclature including the latest Vienna Code of 2006. Further, it discusses the usefulness of anatomy, embryology, palynology, chemistry, cytology and ecology under current trends in plant taxonomy. A thorough coverage of profusely illustrated 50 important dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous angiospermic families is the hallmark of this book. Each family is described covering the following points: Distribution, vegetative features, floral description, morphological nature of organs, further classification, affinities with other families, economic importance and description of common plant(s). Finally, the book covers the different aspects and theories related to the origin of angiosperms, and elucidates the methods and techniques of herbarium development and maintenance.


B.K. Verma, is a dynamic scholar in Political Science. Born in Gaya, he got his education in the Magadh University and received his M.A. degree in Political Science. He is doing research on “Student Movement in Bihar (1967-1977)”. His contribution to a number of important research papers on Indian politics in the journals of national reputes, is praise-worthy.


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Introduction To Taxonomy Of Angiosperms
1st ed.
xi+492p., Glossary; References; Index; 24cm.