Jnanaganja: A Space for Timeless Divinity

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Jnanaganja is an oft-searched state indicated by all great Yogis appeared on this earth. It is hard to find out and perceived by the ordinary eyes. The third or creative eye can have the eternal beauty of this place located somewhere in Himalayan valley assembled by all seers, sages and ascetics including one who has attained the supreme consciousness. This place truly exists and all spiritually enlightened Yogis still remain there, known by Yogis moving around in their mortal bodies. Only a Yogi can tell us about this mystic place. And it was Pandit Gopinath Kaviraj who has written about for the first time about this place. Jnanaganja is appearing here for the firsttime in English.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Gautam Chatterjee

Gautam Chatterjee, well-known writer, has a lineage of Pt. Ishvara Chandra Vidyasagar, with deep Sanskrit tradition and has been a close associate of Thakur Jaideve Singh. His two books (collection of plays), related to Kashmir Shaivism, have already been published. At present, working on the inter-influence of Indian Classical Music and Agam.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Gopinath Kaviraj

Gopinath Kaviraj (1887-1976) does not need presentation in the world of modern Indian philosophy and thought. After brilliant studies, Kaviraj ji was for many years librarian in the Sanskrit College, Varanasi, and took advantage of this opportunity to read and research on every topic of Indian and contemporary thought, as well as editing and publishing some seventy-two books in the field of Indology. He later became Principal of the Sanskrit College until 1937, when he voluntarily retired to devote himself to research and Sadhana. He was conferred the titles of Mahamahopadhyaya in 1934 and of Padmavibhusana in 1964. Kaviraj ji possessed a vast and profound erudition, and the depth of his thought was remarkable. He studied every branch of Indian thought, he came to be known mainly as an expositor of yoga and Tantra. He wrote articles on a wide range of subjects in English, Hindi, Bengali and Sanskrit. But, besides being an epoch-making scholar, he was also a man of noble personality and a true sadhaka. He was disciple of the renowned yogi Swami Vishuddhananda, and become later a Bhakta of Sri Anandamayi Ma, on whose ashram at Varanasi he spent the last days of his life. This book presents a collection of his articles in English.


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Jnanaganja: A Space for Timeless Divinity
1st. ed.
8186117210, 9788186117217
103p., 8 Leaves of Plates; Illustrations; 22cm.