Labour and Social Trends in Asia and the Pacific 2005

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Labour and Social Trends in Asia and the Pacific is the first issue of a new report to be published every second year. The report has two aims, the first of which is to present major trends in employment and social conditions in the world’s most populous and dynamic region, while also drawing attention to key policy challenges posed by the identified trends. The second aim of the report is to contribute to the development of internationally comparable, gender-sensitive indicators to measure progress in decent work. Decent work is a goal, meaning not just whether women and men have any job, but productive employment that provides: an adequate income to keep them and their families out of poverty, security in times of adversity, good working conditions and a voice in decisions that affect their lives and livelihoods. To identify decent work gaps, and measure progress made in the different dimensions of decent work-many of which are of a fundamentally qualitative nature-it is crucial to have relevant and up-to-date information.


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Labour and Social Trends in Asia and the Pacific 2005
1st ed.
vii+74p., Tables; Figures; 30cm.