The Series on Practical and Professional Ethics is an outcome of major research project funded by the U.G.C. in which the task of resolving some value-Laden practical problems troubling the professionals and the non-professionals in India was undertaken. Apart from clarifying the nature, tasks and interrelation of practical and professional ethics, volume one considers five categories of ethical or vale-laden practical problems such as Environmental, Biomedical, Educational, Economic and Business and Socio-Political Ethics. And their resolutions have been explained in volumes 2,3,4, 5 and 6, respectively. This volume, The Primer of Applied Ethics, aims at establishing Applied and Practical Ethics within the broad field of ethics. Concentrating on the nature and tasks of ethics it traces the relationship between practical and professional ethics. Further emphasizing the need for a proper model of ethical application, the volume elaborated the nature of a value-laden practical problem awaiting ethical application for a constructive ethical resolution and formulation of decision-making rules for concerned professionals, in special context of India. Also, it discusses at length the models of teaching ethics, including applied ethics. The relevance and prospects of applied ethics have been highlighted as well.
Practical and Professional Ethics: Volume 4 (Educational Ethics)
The Series on Practical and ...
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