Project Tiger Reserves

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This book on Project Tiger Reserve is the outcome of the authors long research work in Buxa Reserve in the past and recently on two World Bank Projects. In the first project they studied various facets of the resources and problems of the reserve and prepared a detailed set of guidelines which formed the basis for preparation of Management Plan of BTR. The second project involved besides those of earlier works, a thorough study, on people, their education, awareness, research and monitoring and various other relevant issues especially in village co-development. The book also gives a broad-base information on the past history of various tiger reserves, fact-based details on vegetation, predator and prey animals and problems of most of these reserves. This indepth work of Buxa Tiger Reserve which deals which various facets of background political history, management history, various biotic and abiotic factors, problem, peoples’ dependence on forests also suggest some remedial measures. Ecodevelopment, improved P.A. management, awareness, research, monitoring etc. have been discussed and achievement analysed. It is hoped this case study will act as a ‘Model’ for future such studies in most of the Tiger Reserves.


A. B. Chaudhuri, presently a Consultant Ecologist was a member of Indian Forest Service and served the country in various capacities. As the Director, Forest Survey of India he has done several short term assignments in the National and interational Fields. Besides being the author of eleven books mostly on biota of this region and many technical papers, his significant contribution has been in the field of terrestrial and aquatic ecology, wildlife coservation and management, besides Environmental Impact Assessment and preparation of management plan in various Industrial and mining sites covering about 50 projects all over the Country.


D.D. Sarkar was a member of State Forest Service of West Bengal and held the posts of Divisional Forest Officer and Divisional Manager in Several Divisions. His expertise in the field of beautification of parks and gardens was responsible for creation of a good number of aesthetic gardens. Agro forestry, plantation forestry and modern nursery practice and management are other fields where he has done good work recently besides being connected with management of Forests during service tenure. He had also intensive training in forest exploitation all over the country.


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Project Tiger Reserves
1st ed.
xiv+341p., Figures; Tables; Bibliography; Index; 26cm.

