Rural credit plays a very important role in rejuvenating rural economy. Credit is the life-blood and key input for over-all development. The most important source of institutional credit for rural development is the cooperative organization. The rural development programme was launched initially with a view to relive the agriculturists from the clutches of money-lenders and to provide required credit in time at low rate. The programme has set in motion a process of integrated development of rural areas to solve many-sided problems. The integrated rural development is largely based on the pattern of rural credit. The study attempts to cover all short terms and long-term rural institutions including apex bodies to quantify the flow of different types of credit. The Five Year Plans, state support, role of the central financing agencies like NABARD, RBI and ARDC have been emphasized. In the light of a detailed study of the subject, their working, financial performance, and managerial problems have been identified. The book will prove most useful to policy makers, Government officials, students, researchers, rural credit institutions, and co-operators.
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