Security of Maritime Trade: New Dimensions

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The issues in maritime domain are quite vast and complex and countries pursuing maritime interests cannot ignore their importance. Maritime security has thus become crucial for these countries as the transportation of world trade is dependent on the shipping lanes and seaports. The world’s seaports have nearly 72 percent million containers moving through them every year. These containers have to be safeguarded against nuclear weapons which could be delivered to the seaport and detonated before uploading. This would cause immense loss to the trade and commerce thriving on the oceans. In view of these threats and developments posed by non-conventional sources the challenges of maritime security are ever growing. Countries have realized the fact that technology plays a key role in securing maritime domain and its assets. Technology could be applied most effectively to prevent the transport of illicit materials for use in terrorist activities affecting maritime trade. The role of private security companies in securing vessels, ports and offshore energy installations is also crucial. Monitoring of maritime traffic through the use of micro satellites is being implemented by several countries. In view of the significance given to maritime security and the role played by technologies towards safeguarding maritime commerce, this book is designed in two sections. The first section focuses on wider set of maritime security issues, which involve technologies applied and used to securing sea lanes, ports, containers and vessels. The second section presents the experiences of some of the countries on maritime security issues.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Sukhvinder Kaur Multani

Sukhvinder Kaur Multani holds an M.Phil in Political Science from Central University, Hyderabad. She is currently working as Consulting Editor at Icfai Business School Research Centre, Bangalore. Prior to joining Icfai, she worked for Academic Wing of Icfai as Faculty Member, where she was involved in designing syllabus and courseware for graduate, postgraduate and law courses, offered by the institution. She has several years of teaching and research experience to her credit. Her areas of interest include foreign policy studies, international relations, defense and strategic studies, women studies and media.


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Security of Maritime Trade: New Dimensions
1st ed.