The Family Eriocaulaceae in India

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"The first comprehensive book on the family Eriocaulaceae, popularly known as Pipeworts complete with descriptions and illustrations was the result of efforts of the authors for several years. The book was originally published in 1994 as a taxonomical monograph of 65 Indian species of the genus Eriocaulon Linn. with eight new species and five new names attributing specific status to the infraspecific taxa of earlier workers. The present edition includes 16 new taxa described by various workers from time to time ever since the publication of the book. One of those new species viz. E. Konkanense Punekar et al., has been reduced to synonym.

In this revised edition, the newly added species have been incorporated in the twelve sections treated in the original book by circumscribing the section characters wherever necessary. However, the general pattern of the original book is maintained and the character – parameters used in preparing the identification key have been retained. The geographical distribution of each taxon within the county is discussed and depicted in the maps. All species are illustrated and a unique method is adopted for showing the enlargement scale.

This revised edition will be helpful to the researchers and students involved in the floristic studies, especially of the wetlands which receive greater scientific and conservative importance in these days."


Dr. Nambiyath P. Balakrishnan was born on July 27, 1935.  He received his M.A. degree in Botany from Madras University in 1958 and M. Sc. in Plant Taxonomy from Liverpool University in 1967.  his thesis on the flora of Jowai, Meghalaya fetched him Ph.D. degree from Gauhati University, Assam in 1972.  He worked in the Botanical Survey of India from August 1958 to July 1993 and worked in the offices at Coimbatore, Howarah, Shillong, Prot Blair and Allahabad.  At the time of retirement he was Joint Director and head of the office of Madras Herbarium, Coimbatore.  He made extensive botanical explorations and collection of specimens from various forest areas of Peninsular India, Central India, Assam, Meghalaya, Bhutan, and Andaman & Nicobar Islands.  His collections amounting to more than 10,000 field numbers are deposited in MH, CAL, ASSAM, PBL, K and L.  On his retirement he continued his research work as Emeritus Scientist at Southern Circle of Botanical Survey of India, Coimbatore.  He guided 4 students for Ph.D. degree.  His research work in Plant Taxonomy yielded 180 scientific articles in various Indian and International journals.  He authored 5 books and edited Volumes 1 & 2 of Flora of India.  He discovered 2 new genera, 72 new species and several new varieties.  He is continuing his interest and research on the family Euphorbiaceae.


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The Family Eriocaulaceae in India
x+188p., Figures.