Up and down UG’s torso, neck and head, at those points which Indian holy men call charkas, his friends observe swellings of various shapes and colours, which came and went at intervals. On his lower abdomen the swellings were horizontal, cigar-shaped bands. Above the navel was a hard, almond-shaped swelling. A hard, blue swelling, like a large medallion, at the base of his throat. These two medallions were as though suspended from a multicoloured, swollen ring blue, brownish and light yellow around his neck, as in pictures of Hindu Gods. There were also other similarities between the swellings and the depictions of Indian religious art-his throat was swollen to a shape that made his chin seem to rest on the head of a cobra, as in the traditional images of Shiva; just above the bridge of the nose was a white lotus-shaped swelling-all over the head the small blood vessels expanded, forming patterns like the stylized lumps on the heads of Buddha statues. Like the horns of Moses and the Taoist mystics, two large, hard swelling periodically came and went. The arteries in his neck expanded and rose, blue and snake-like, into his head.
The Mystique of Enlightenment
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ABOUT THE AUTHOR Sunita Pant Bansal
Born and educated in New Delhi, Sunita Pant Bansal did her schooling from St Thomas School, and graduation with honours in Food and Nutrition and post-graduation in Dietetics and Public Health Nutrition from Lady Irwin College. She subsequently worked as an Honorary Dietician at Sir Ganga Ram and G.B. Pant Hospitals, and began writing on Health and Nutrition, with her articles and columns appearing in major newspapers and magazines (over 600 articles published in English, Hindi and Telugu). She has also aired programmes on Health on All India Radio and Doordarshan.She was the first practising Dietician in Delhi. She is currently associated as an Advisor with Life Positive (a magazine on holistic living). She has also authored Healing Power of Foods.
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Bibliographic information
The Mystique of Enlightenment
1st ed.
Smriti Books, 2005
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