Urban local government in the country has gradually been gaining importance with the increase in urban population since 1961. however, it could attract due attention only after the National Commission on Urbanization studied all aspects of Urban management. In this context, the Indian Parliament passed a bill in 1992, which became the 74th Amendment to the Constitution. It is a landmark in the history of urban governance in the country. The Act not only constitutionalises the urban local government but also provides it with stability in addition to facilitating democratic decentralization and revitalizing these grassroot institutions. A lot of work has been done in the field of rural management but no attempt has been made so far to present a comparative picture of urban governance in the scheduled areas which have been given a special status in the Indian Constitutions. The proposed volume attempts to trace the historical development of urban local government in the North Eastern States, besides discussing the trends of urbanization and urban problems in the area. The book earnestly studies various provisions of Municipal Laws enacted and practiced in the post 74th Constitution amendment Act era. A study of law, governing autonomous areas has also been made. The book must be of immense help to the students of public administration and researchers and teachers engaged in municipal administration and also to administrators and policy makers. This would also help in understanding the North-East Region, its problems regarding urban affairs and practices therein.
Urban Governance in North Eastern Region: Legal Issues and Practices
by U.B. Singh
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U.B. Singh, M.P.A., Ph.D. (Human Resource Development), D. Litt. (Time Management) till recently at the faculty of the Regional Centre for Urban & Environmental Studies of the University of Lucknow (for more than 18 years) is a Reader in the Department of Public Administration of the Mizoram University (a Central University), based at Aizawal. He has been to University College London, U.K. on Fellowship under Colombo Plan and to Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok under the UNDP sponsorship. He has to his credit more than 50 research papers contributed to various journals of repute; about two dozen research studies; participation in national and international seminars / conferences, besides authoring more than a dozen books including Human Resource Development, Urban Local Government, functioning of Urban Government in South India, Urban Governance in North East Region, Administrative System in India, Fiscal Federalism in Indian Union, assessing Training Needs in Urban Administration to name a few. He has successfully edited a number of volumes including Revitalised Urban Administration in India. Privatisatioin of Municipal Services in India etc. As a unique combination of a teacher, trainer and researcher, Dr. Singh is associated with many academic institutes and societies. He has been on the advisory committees and on committees for farming municipal Acts in Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal. He has directed a number of executive development programmes for urban officials belonging to various north and north eastern states.
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Urban Governance in North Eastern Region: Legal Issues and Practices
1st ed.
187p., Tables; Appendix; Index; 22cm.
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