Women’s though created equal by the creator, were subject to numerous discriminations that were putting them on a lower stratum than men. They were denied voting rights, denied equal pay for equal work, denied literacy, and were subjected to various gender-based and social biases. The position of women in developing countries was more pitiable. These resulted in frustration among women all over the world against exiting system and they started a movement to secure their just rights. The book presents social and national circumstances that led to the growth of women’s movement for securing rights that were hitherto denied to them and against certain rules and regulations that discriminate between man and woman. Starting form a convention, how the movement spread worldwide, who are the pioneers, of the movement, what women wanted to seek, what they achieved and what remains to be achieved are the burning issues that are dealt with in the book. This book will be of immense utility to students, teachers, women’s organizations, policy-framers and general readers.

Women’s Rights
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Women’s Rights
1st ed.
viii+222p., Index; 23cm.
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