Aavishkar Publishers, Distributors

302 books
Horticultural crops are those that serve to fit the special food and aesthetic needs of humans. In horticultural crops, quality is supreme. While it is true that there is no arguing about taste, the fact of the matter is that many horticultural crop cultivars with unique qualities are so unique, admired, and appreciated that they become the basis for entire industries. Examples include the 'Bartlett' ('Williams') pear which dominates fresh fruit production and is ...
Lawns are the common feature of private gardens, private landscapes and parks in many parts of the world and are made for aesthetic pleasure as well as for sports or other outdoor recreational use. These provide cushion in sports such as rugby, football, soccer, cricket, baseball, golf, tennis and hockey.
The lawn has become a central element in landscapes. Turf-grass-culture, is a multi-billion dollar industry in the world. Turf grasses provide recreational ...
The present book “A Text Book of Medicinal and Aromatic Crops” is extremely useful to undergraduate students, postgraduate students, research scholars, and teachers. This will also find favour among medicinal and aromatic research workers, extension workers and farmers of the country. The book covers different medicinal and aromatic crops which includes the cultivation aspects viz., soil, climate, varieties/hybrids, propagation, planting, spacing, ...
Spirulina - the blue green alga is worldwide known for its highest nutrient contents in a balanced form required for human body. As such it has been raised from "nutrient" to "Nutraceutical, since it is food and medicine too. Its potentials were realised but its cultivation in semiarid zone of Rajasthan and seismatic zone of Gujarat remained an enigma. This book provides solutions to problems and makes Spirulina cultivation production within the ...
The book ‘Indian Ethnomedicinal Plants: Traditional Practices to Cure Diseases’ includes 13 chapters, covering the aspects of Ethno-medico-botany & therapeutic applications of Medicinal plants, Taxonomy of Medicinal plants, Chemistry of Medicinal plants/Natural Essential Oils, Cultivation Technique of Medicinal/Aromatic Plants, Biological Activity and Pharmaceutical Value of Active Components/Essential Oils, etc. contributed by eminent ...
Demography is the scientific study of population. Demographers seek to know the level and trends of population size and its components. They search for explanations of demographic changes and their implications for societies. The Indian demographic scene was undergoing a significant change. Although the country still continued to be in the explosive second stage of the demographic transition, yet the trends in fertility and mortality for the country as a whole, ...
Access to education is not only a basic human right; it is a key to social progress. An all-round development of women has become an important subject of study in the present time. Woman is the pivot of a family, around which revolve the entire activities of men and children. She is responsible for a family’s health, happiness and prosperity. Women, who are home makers, bring a new being into the world. If she is happy & well adjusted, and competent to ...
"Economic Microbiology encompasses a broad complex area of study. It includes uses of microorganisms to produce a number of economically important food, feed and chemicals. In plain language easy to comprehend by a wide range of scholars and students, but without sacrificing the scientific value, the book starts with fermentative microbial production of bread, pickles, sauerkraut, silage and dairy products. Different pathways of single cell protein and ...
One woman gets raped every 30 minutes in this country. And yet nobody has ever analyzed this crisis in depth, his book, for the first time in India, presents a comprehensive analysis including:
• Psychological analysis of different types of rapists including pathological rapists, gang rapists, date/acquaintance rapists, dominance assertion rapists, riot rapists, crime-on-the-side rapists, juvenile rapists, paedophiles and rapists of children;
• ...
The book Biodiversity : Concepts and Conservaton includes chapters on biodiversity and conservation strategies for various groups of organisms. The basic concept, what is biodiversity and its importance to humans is narrated in chapter one. Basic elements of hydrobiology and Ramsar wetlands are provided in chapter 2. The first Ramsar convention was held in the year 1972 in Ramsar city in Iran. In that convention it was discussed about the conservation of wetlands ...
Plant genetic resources are the key component of any agricultural production system. In recent years the growing awareness and concern on promotion of plant genetic resources activities in the national context makes it obligatory that we should have relevant literature on this discipline. The present book ‘Plant Genetic Resources-An Overview’ incorporates review and research articles on varied aspects of plant genetic resources.
This volume contains ...
The physio-chemical basis of biological systems and the control of their development and interactions are being unraveled in spectacular advances in molecular biology. During the past few decades both basic and applied aspects of biotechnology have developed rapidly. Genetic engineering provides great promise for the improvement of crop plants. The successful application of biotechnological tools will require reliable, high levels of transgene expression and ...