B.R. Publishing Corporation

1317 books
Contents: Preface. 1. Need for research in tourism/P. Yenadi Raju. 2. Types of tourism in India/V. Thimmappa. 3. Energy and environment concerns of tourism in India/V. Sudarsan. 4. Dimensions of cultural tourism in India/A. Lakshmana Chetty. 5. Religious tourism/P. Venu. 6. Medical tourism in India/A. Suryakumari. 7. Human development in Indian tourism industry/M. Deenadayal. 8. Rural tourism/P. Yenadi Raju. 9. Perspectives and prospects of Kerala heritage/T P. ...
The Khasi-Jaintia, scheduled tribe in constitutional terms, inhabiting three districts of Meghalaya, the twenty first state of the Indian Union, is perhaps more well-known than any other tribe of the North-Eastern region of the country. Since the day the headquarter of the British administration in Assam was established in Shillong, these people were exposed to contacts with other communities of the country. Even before the coming of the British the ...
The Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA) is an Autonomous Trust set up by the Government of India under Ministry of Culture. IGNCA is visualized as a centre encompassing the study and experience of all the arts – each form with its own integrity, yet within a dimension of mutual interdependence, interrelated with nature, social structure and cosmology.
The Temple of India, particularly of South India and more specifically of Karnataka, is a ...
This volume constitutes the proceedings of academic deliberations and presented papers of the National Seminar on “Telugu Diaspora through the Ages (From the earliest Times)”. The papers in this volume discuss various dimensions of Telugu Diaspora. They are arranged chronologically and geographically. The Telugu Diaspora refers to the Telugu Speaking people of Indian States residing in mainly in other countries like United States of America, Europe, ...
The rare and threatened limbless lizard, Barkudia insularis, Annandale is an elongate, worm-like which leads a secretive subterranean life in the gardens and densely vegetated areas in the Andhra University campus, Visakhapatnam, A.P. The habits, habitats, activity, food and feeding behaviour, reproductive biology in situ and in captivity were studied. Conservation programmes with strict implementations as well as management strategies and action plans were ...
Contrary to the general perception that the independence of India and the creation of Pakistan were to meet the long-standing demand of the Congress and the Muslim League, the actual reason that lay behind these two historic developments was the emergence of the Cold War that engulfed the entire Europe soon after the World War II. The lurking fear that India might go the communist way, not only forced Great Britain (a prominent member of the Western Block) to ...
Indraprastha Revisited is a book of the papers presented at the first ever International conference held on this most ancient and first planned city that now lies within the confines of the present Delhi, India’s National Capital. This conference was organised by Draupadi Dream Trust on 22nd and 23rd November 2016, as part of the 1st Indraprastha Festival (18th -25th Nov 2016) and was supported by Ministry of Culture, ICCR and National Museum.
Renowned ...
Resources are used in the production of various goods. Most of the resources are limited in supply. If the resources are continuously used, it reduces their availability. Hence there is a need to control the uses of resources and the existing resources should be used more efficiently. As a matter of fact, economic growth is constrained by resources. This book discusses the management of common resources, new economics of resources, resources and environmental ...
Psycho-Cultural Analysis of Folklore, is a Commemoration Volume presented to Prof. Alan Dundes, a renowned Folklorist in the world on his birth Anniversary falling on 83 years (8th September 1934) These articles in other way serve as garland of flowers to decor Prof. Alan Dundes; A great scholar in Folklore Srudies. There are more than 45 articles shedding light on Folklore world wide. This prestigious volume contains a wide spectrum of research articles covering ...
Folklore Studies in the Current Globalization is a Festschrift presented to Prof. N. Bhakthavathsala Reddy, a renowned Folklorist and good administrator on his birthday fslling on 69 Years (01.07.1948). This prestigious volume contains a wide spectrum of elite research papers covering Folklore, literature and culture by renowned authors. It undoubtedly becomes an important source of information and reference book for History, Culture, Folklore and Tribal lore for ...
The book is a rich collection of research papers form renowned biological anthropologist from different parts of India. This book is an outcome of the national seminar on 'New Arenas of Biological Anthropology in India' that was organised inth Department of Anthropology, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong. The collection encompasses nineteen research papers under nineteen chapters focusing on various important contemporary issues in biological anthropology ...
Recent Advances in Fish Ecology, Limnology and Eco-Conservation Vol.XI is a compendium of thirteen research papers contributed by specialists in these disciplines. The highlights of the present volume are: Early development and life history of the stone corp in Nepal. Ecology of the helminth community of Rana cyanophyctis. Th malaeo-fauna of J & K State; a scalimetric comparison of the Malabar sole fro different centres of the West Coast. Assessment of the ...
This volume entitled "Dr. Ambedkar Thought: Downtrodden and Development" consists of total 12 articles on Dalits, Minorities and Marginalized section of India society by the eminent profeddors, teachers and research scholars. The main thrust of this book is to analyze Ambedkar thought concern to prevailing social inequality such as throught Gender, Caste system, Tribal, Religion, Minorities and Social-Economic conditions and how far his thoughts are ...
The work is an attempt to highlight certain aspects of the social and Cultural and political life of Mappila Muslims of Malabar in the nineteenth century and the first quarter of twentieth with emphasis on the role of religious ideology and leadership in moulding the societal structure and cultural pattern. The work specifically attempts to study the Mappila attitudes in ther totality comprehrnding the social and political conditions of the period. It also ...
Dermatogyphic features are unaffected by environment and no developmental changes observed except for increased in size and geowth of the ridges with the growth hands. Individual finger and palm prit vary from individual to individual with no exception of even identical twins. Dermatoglyphics offer a reliable means of criminal identification, disputed paternity, association with diseases, population variability, inhertance, sexual dimorphism and twin daignosis. ...
The book titled "Female Personalities in Buddhism" resembles a mirror that reflects the biographies of eighty-two Theravada and Majayana Female Buddhist Personalities includig spiritual practitioners and physicians. The biographics are collected from different Tibetan. Pali, Hindi and English sources which were them translated and edited by the author.
First Green Revolution in Indian agriculture during 60's and 70's brought food self-sufficiency in Indian Economy.
The Present book focuses on the foodgrains marketing efficiency and discuses in details as how farmers (particularly marginal and small farmers in the eastern region march ahead of the phase of distress sale (i.e. being compelled to sell their produce immediately after harvest, sometimes crop even standing in the field) at a very norminal price to ...
This book is not an abstract description of Indian Governance - it is based on the author's experience in each of the areas covered. Some of the major areas analysed:
. The municipal property tax to be levied objectively without corruption suggestion upheld by the Supreme Court and followed all over India.
. Reforms for improving the performance of the Public sector.
. Suggestions by the Disincestment Commission regarding Air India which was in financial trouble. ...
It was in Megalithic times that the whole country of India was united by one culture i.e. Megalithic. Attempt has been made to give a vivid description of excavations conducted in different parts., About the development of Megalithic culture in Chhattisgarh all the surveyed and excavated sites have been described. The culture is still alive in Bastar amongst the Adivasis who along with executing mini-menhirs, now erect wooden menhirs with beautiful folk-art ...