Gagandeep Publications

27 books
Nationalist Politics and Popular Movements : 1939-1947 provides a comprehensive account of the Mainstream Nationalist Politics and other associated movements during the most decisive phase of India’s struggle fro freedom. It weaves the anti-colonial movement under the leadership of Gandhi and his ideology of non-violence and describes how it development a close relationship with other associated movements whose policies and programmes clashed the Gandhian ...
The practice of human resource management has evolved significantly in recent years due to increased shortage of skilled workers, outsourcing, privatization and the diminution of employee rights. This thoroughly updated edition of the classic reference Understanding Human Resource: Management Perspectives offers authoritative, state-of-the-art information for managers, business planners, administrators and human resource professionals. This book brings together ...
India's Semi Arid Tropics (SAT) comprising more than half of the country is characterized by scarce, erratic rainfall, poor moisture holding capacity of soil and substantial run off and soil erosion. In the region, what are the forces causing changes in production and rural labour markets in general and wage formation processes in particular? What are the dynamics and evolution of labour market characteristics, institutions and arrangements? To what extent labour ...
It is quite unfortunate that the indigenous or the 'sons of the soil' are crying for their self-identity, dignity and prestige in their own motherland. The post-independent India debated a lot, whether to take the tribal people along with the non-tribes. British policy of isolation was supported by many, arguing that tribal culture is being kept intact. On the other hand the missionaries and religious groups advocated for the assimilation of tribal people with ...
Education is eulogized by all civilized societies through centuries. It was given a place of pride and important role to play in national reconstruction and social well-being. India particularly regarded education as a means of improving efficiency in all kinds of activities (Yogah Karmasu Kausalam) and as a means of liberating from all kinds of bondages (Sa Vidya Ya Vimuktayee). The constitution of India very well recognized the importance of education in the ...
If politics is essentially about power, then in democracy power would definitely mean power to the people. The implication of the passage of 73rd Amendment Act, 1993 generally endorses to such an idea. The particular Act inspired and laid down a one more tier to the existing federal set-up of the Country. The writing of the book was prompted by such an historical development in the country. The book contains an empirical investigation intro the rural areas of ...
Teaching is considered as one of the oldest profession as well as a nobel profession. Every teacher is expected to be an ideal man imbued with a high moral character. Professionally he is supposed to have rapport with all concerned with his profession. Hence he is expected to be committed to his profession, to learner, to society, and to high human values. If quality education is the goal, it can not be achieved without the sincere efforts of dedicated and ...
Global management is a philosophy of viewing management in global perspective in terms of a global; outlook, using globally viable technology, offering the products/ services which can satisfy the costumer needs in a global environment, maintains a quality in adherence to global standards fostering a global organizational and global culture. The global manager posses a wide range of practical knowledge, skills, competencies and an understanding of the ability to ...
This book offers a broad spectrum of analysis regarding the Development and Significance of Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) in the various countries of the world. A deliberate attempt has also been made to provide an experimental evidence based on sample of Indian preschool children with different socio-cultural context. This book has been prepared according to the syllabus of various Indian Universities. Particularly it is exclusively useful for the ...
This book is a comprehensive document of dalit movements, their leadership, assertion, aspiration and new horizons they have achieved during centuries of their struggle. It highlights the quantitative and qualitative changes in the nature and scope of their demands. The book probes shifted their assertion from individual to communitarian rights and then now to global level. The author has recorded the structural changes brought by Dalit movement in Uttar Pradesh ...
In this book, the author has given some introduction to the nature of complexities and processes within Earth Sciences and some of these are modelled through probabilistic and statistical methods using linear process. These are best exemplified through the use of axiomatic probability using univariate statistical methodology for scalar random variable and multivariate statistical methods for vector random variables. Several real geological examples are included ...
The book deals that the Government is satisfied with the soundness of the strategies adopted for the welfare and development old Scheduled Castes since Independence but the fact of the matter. However, is that the condition of the Scheduled Castes continues to be pathetic in spite of the numerous constitutional safeguards and exclusive programmes for their welfare. For millions of these belonging to the weaker sections with small land holding as also the ...
A Fashion is the Styling are mode accepted by a particular group of people at a particular time and palace. Fashion change relates to changes in colour, styling fabrication and performance to reflect fashion trade. Fashion is style most popular at a given time. Fashion implies style, change and acceptance. Modern communications media bring different cultures into contact making people more aware of life styles and modes of dress. As a result of communication and ...
GlobalMarketing is the most powerful force in the development of modern civilization. In the Internet era, we move towards connecting global consumers, and global manufacturers putting everything on the shelf. The information component of global companies are modifying the present in forming the future. Global marketing and its knowledge are the engines of global economy bringing improvements in overseas production and quality with the rapid use of information ...
Documentation and Information Services in Cyber Age is combination of electronic data processing machines, appropriate programs, and operating procedure organized to carry out as self-sufficiently as possible, a well-defined library, documentation and information retrieval process. This book serves as a comprehensive guide for such systems for the library and documentation professionals without prior experience in the field. Employment a developmental approach, ...
The status of Indian society has over a period of time undergone a process of continuous degeneration, namely from Varnavyavastha to the caste system. So, the present Indian society is facing a lot of problems. With the result that those with a high educational profile continue to be on advantageous position, and those who were disadvantaged ones continue to remain so. The book, “Focussing on Some Psychological Dimensions of Tribal†is a seminal work of its ...
This book is a comprehensive study of Sociological thinkers and theories right from the emergence of Sociology as a discipline in Social Sciences. It refers to the vast analysis of different traditions of Sociology, viz., the European and the American. The book provides an objective assessment of the major theories of Auguste Comte, Karl Marx, Herbert Spencer, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, Talcott Parsons and R.K. Merton. In addition to these theoretical traditions, ...
This study provides the framework for the structure, ideology and change of the rural power elites in the Panchayati Raj system and their relationship amongst themselves, a key to the understanding of rural development. Unlike most village studies carried out solely in terms of the traditional model of stratification system, this study for the first time places the political ideology at the centrality of the scheme of variables. At one level, it is an attempt to ...
Although Jharkhand holds only 2.3 per cent of the total land area of India, it holds over 36 per cent of the mineral resources of the country. Jharkhand contributed almost 23 per cent of the mineral wealth of India. In contrast 40 per cent of its total population of 2,69,09,428 (2001 census) is still below poverty line and depends on the state for subsidized food, struggling for its existence. This population is equivalent to the population of ...