38 books
Basavaraj Naikar translated Prabhulin.ga Li–le by Camarasa into English as The Frolic Play of the Lord for the benefit of the non-Kannada readers, who are interested in Comparative Indian Literature, Comparative World Literature, Comparative Religious Literature and Multicultural Studies. In recent years Indians have realised the great need and importance of translation in the multilingual and multicultural context of our country. Such translations will ...
This exciting quiz book on astronomy is packed with enough quizzes to please even the most ardent quiz buff. It includes hundreds of questions on a variety of topics related to astronomy. The reader will never have a dull moment with this extraordinary compendium of fascinating facts, interesting information, and tantalising trivia. If you are even remotely interested in quiz shows, this book will transport you to exhilarating heights. If you are one that marvels ...
The present text has been designed a referral and introductory manual for students of geography. Enabling them to get acquainted with the theories, practices and processes relevant to the field of geography, the book seeks to give readers a broad Insight into the ways in which Cultural Geography plays a role in understanding the world. In addition, it acquaints readers with the current trends and developments within cultural geography, and incorporates critical ...
This book offers an exciting study of Philip Roth, a Jewish American novelist, who has re-energized American fiction and redefined its possibilities. The galaxy of the Jewish novelists in America since the Second World War includes luminaries like Saul Bellow, Norman Mailer, Isaac Bashevis Singer, Bernard Malamud and Philip Roth, the most celebrated American writers. These novelists primarily deal with the clash of psychological forces at the pressing points of ...
Urban Geography' is that branch of science, which deals the study of urban areas, in terms of concentration, infrastructure, economy and environmental impacts. It can be considered a part of the larger field of human geography. Urban geographers seek to understand how factors interact over space, what function they serve and their interrelationships.The present text has been written as an introductory manual into the field of urban geography. Urban geography ...
There is definitely one point where both streams-the Indian schools of darsana and the western philosophical mainstream—merge and almost have a consensus-and that is at the fine point of self-reflexivity. The Upanishads in their cryptic language of poetic condensation speak of two birds on a tree-one eats the fruit while the other watches. This could be the purusha and the prakrti, or it could also be the soul or the divine element in the living being ...
Indian English Poetry has come of age with enduring charisma, enchanting range and amazing authenticity. Kamala Das occupies a pre-eminent position among contemporary poets with her astounding imagery, new idiom and honest portrayal of Indian women and their concerns. Her quest for realizing ‘self’ is essentially oriental and reflects the essence of Vemana’s famous line ‘Kaami gaaka mokshagaami kaadu’ .Kamala Das is remembered ...
Dr. Stephen Gill, the bard of world peace and anti-terrorism is an Indian English poet, a Canadian poet and a world poet at the same time. Born in Pakistan and brought up in India, Stephen Gill is now settled in Canada from where he travels widely to the East and Europe disseminating the gospel of peace. As the Dove in his poems, he is flying to the turbulent areas where the ‘maniac messiahs’ dance in ecstasy over the corpses of innocent masses. Rays ...
Gandhi-Jinnah Talks is not only a book on an important phase of our contemporary history, but it reveals the facts of that period effectively. With utmost ease the author explores the psyche of two great personalities, who shaped the destinies of this sub-continent. It helps us to understand divergent opinions that surfaced in the talks and circumstances that led to partition. It captures vividly the historical moments in an intimate manner without loosing sight ...
This book gives an accessible overview of the theories an practices of clinical psychology. It is designed to help professionals and students evaluate the merits of popular practices in clinical psychology, and differentiate those that can stand up to the rigours of science from those that cannot. It reviews widely used therapies for various forms of mental illness, abnormality, personality disorders, mood disorders, anxiety, hallucinations and delusions. It also ...
This book offers comprehensive and up-to-date information on all key aspects of environmental geography. It explores the relationships between people and the world they inhabit. Readers are introduced to the key concepts and theories of environmental geography including physical and biological processes, population patterns, biogeography, environmental hazards, resource management and environmental ethics. It also provides an overview of the modern environmental ...
The main objective of this book is to introduce students to the exciting field of physical geography. Set against a backdrop of human interaction with the environment. It offers comprehensiv3e treatments of earth’s five major components: the atmosphere, the hydrosphere, the lithosphere, the cryosphere, and the biosphere. Offering a fully integrated, systems-based approach to physical geography, this book covers a diverse and lively selection of topics and ...
Traditionally centralised news-gathering and distribution is being augmented but what's happening at the edges of increasingly ubiquitous networks. People are combining powerful technological tools and innovative ideas, fundamentally altering the nature of journalism in this new century. There are new possibilities for everyone in the process: Journalist, newsmaker and the active audience of news who isn't satisfied with today's product or who wants to make some ...
Digital technology has transformed the way we make and consume media. In the history of film and video, it is the most fleetly technology that changed all aspects of film and video production tremendously. It has made film and video production cheaper, faster, and more manageable. The film and analog videotape are rapidly approaching the end of their technological life, being replaced by digital videotape and digital cameras. This book is a comprehensive ...
A century and a half ago, covering news was straightforward: searching the news stories, observing the scene, waiting for public meetings or press conferences, interviewing the people related with the news, then run as fast as possible back to the newsroom and try to beat the competition to print. Journalism has changed dramatically since then, as new media technologies, starting with the telegraph and telephone to internet and weblogs, has made it possible to ...
Digital computers and networks are revolutionising the way we conduct research, just as they are recasting the way we do business and spend our leisure time. It grows easier every day to collect, manipulate, and disseminate information. Researchers everywhere are developing new ways to use these digital systems in every phase of their work. These new tools make possible more creative and productive research, including new forms of collaboration on a global scale. ...
Visual communication is a multi-disciplinary field encompassing graphic design, illustration, fine arts, multimedia, and photography. It serves a purpose greater than decoration and is a important tool for modern communication practices. Memorable visual messages with text have the greatest power to inform. Educate and persuade an individual. Primarily associated with two-dimensional images, visual communication includes alphanumerics, art, signs, and electronic ...
Wildlife tourism is one of the fastest growing sectors of tourism worldwide. It covers a spectrum of opportunities for tourists to interact with non-domesticated animals ranging from captive to naturalistic setting. It can jeopardize the integrity of ecosystems, in general, and wildlife population dynamics and behaviour, in particular. This book discusses the basic elements of wildlife tourism, including the impacts of and benefits from wildlife tourism and the ...