Narendra Publishing House

211 books
In this book (Part-I and II) sixty eight underutilized fruit crops have been included viz., aonla, avocado, babaco, bael, barbados cherry, Indian barberry, ber, bilimbi, black mulberry, blackberry, bread fruit, burans, burmese grape, cactus pear, cattley guava, chestnut, chironji, cranberry, durian, fig, hazelnut, horse chestnut, Indian almond, Indian persimmon, jamun, kaiphal, kair, karonda, khejri, khirni, kiwifruit, kokum, loganberry, longan, loquat, mahua, ...
The book entitled ‘A Competitive Book on Soil Science’ is a compilation work and embodies a fairly competitive treatment of objective type questions covering overall M.Sc. and Ph.D Soil Science examinations syllabus. Most of the information was farmed very critically covering all the main topics of soil science. The book would be of paramount importance for the graduate and postgraduate students and to those students appearing for various ...
Minor fruits have many advantages in terms of easier to grow, hardy in nature, can be grown in poor, marginal and problematic soils and can produce good yield even under extreme weather conditions. There are many minor fruit crops which are less known to the common people even agriculture or horticulture students about its nutritional and medicinal value of the crops. A good number of research works has been carried out world wide on various aspect of minor fruit ...
The present compilation represents the development of poultry in our country in an inclusive manner. Despite poultry industry tremendous achievements, basic concepts reflecting the current status, progress and various factors involved in its upliftment are lacking and this book targets to seal this knowledge gap. This Glimpse is an author’s sincere attempt to make all the poultry graduates, budding poultry professionals, practitioners and teachers to ...
Prevalence of parasitic diseases is very common in domestic and wild animals. They cause ill health, production loss and even death in food animals, resulting in huge economic loss to the farming community. This can be curtailed only through early diagnosis and treatment of affected animals. Although the affected animals show clinical manifestations, the diagnosis and differential diagnosis is always difficult due to lack of expertise and resource for reference. ...
Book has been designed and Manuscripted to address this issue in a unique way and is intended to benefit the students going through under-graduation and post-graduation courses in veterinary medicine, animal nutrition and cattle hygiene management. Moreover packages of practices for disease control, nutrition and management mentioned in the respective areas is expected to impart a significant level of practical knowledge to the professional veterinarians, ...
Low productivity of milk in India and other developing countries could be attributed to the low nutrient density and poor digestibility of the agricultural by-products of conventional and un-conventional origin. This book on Enzyme production for ruminant diets using common agricultural by products has been written and published considering the necessity to understand and introduce technological alternatives to improve nutrient availability and their utilization ...
This Book presents a wide range of issues involved in development of livestock Entrepreneurship. It presents an insight into the identification of business opportunities, by learning the different aspects of livestock farming and exploration and preparation of different products of foods of animal origin. Livestock are the best insurance against the vagaries of nature like drought, famine and other natural calamities. This book is aimed to provide an excellent ...
This book is compiled to provide key information of equine field to the equine veterinarians. Focus of the book is common equine health problems occurring in tropical and subtropical climatic conditions especially India. Apart from some important equine diseases which are not present in India, most of the diseases addressed in the book are based on authors’ experience as clinician. As equine veterinary practitioner, we felt the paucity of a book on equine ...
The foremost speciality of this book is the usage of simple language with appropriate in llustrations for the benefit of the students community. It covers almost all the major topics of Industrial Microbiology. The introduction chapter clearly explains the outline of IM. The history of IM is necessary for the stepwise achievements and discoveries in this field. It is nicely elaborated by quoting from Anton Von Leewenhoek to Alexander Fleming. The third chapter ...
This guide is a quick review of various topics of biotechnology and clearly helps to understand key information on biotechnology from fundamental concept to advances in that subject area.
Key features of this guide:
Questions with key to self-test your understanding on the concepts and principles of biotechnology.
Questions with key to critically analyze the given problem/concept.
Additional and useful informations related to the given questions as footnotes. ...