SBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd.

99 books
This Handbook Is Undoubtedly One Of The Most Informative, Simple And Well-Instructed Construction Book. Each And Every Page Is Adorned By A Well Drawn And Easy To Follow Diagram, Complete With Annotation And Headed Under Titles. It Is Of Infinite Use To Anyone Within The Industry, Whether A Student Or Fully Qualified Engineer, As Anything From A Learning Textbook To A Handy Reference Manual. It Incorporates Current Building And Construction Regulations, Ensuring ...
Design, Rehabilitate And Maintain Modern Highway Bridge From Steel And Reinforced Concrete Design, To Highway Layout And Basic Geometrics, To Geotechnical Engineering And Hydraulics Are All Explained In This Book. Written With Unusual Clarity And Packed With Timely Design Examples And Case Studies Plus Eye Opening Sidebars And Graphics, The Book Shows Bridge Structures, Function, Types And Applications; Design Superstructures And Substructures For Maximum ...
The book introduces primary field data collection methods and describes procedures for interpretation and analysis. Also it focuses on the linkage of GIS data with water resource analysis and management models. Applications are presented with description of GIS database development analysis background theory and model integration with GIS.
GIS in Water Resources Engineering arms engineers and planners with an arsenal of tools to assist in the creation of a ...
This book Fish Diseases and disorders trilogy addresses infectious diseases of fish and their disorders that arise due to viruses bacteria and fungi. The book is well written and contains updated information that reflects new developments in the field. This is a must reference cum textbook for fish health specialists and veterinarians microbiologists zoologists and researchers and students in aquaculture.
This book follows fish infections and focus largely on non ...
The genesis of working women was a revolutionary incident in the annals of Indian society. Now a days it is ground reality that women are backbone of any economy. They who earlier stayed at home to fulfill the desires of male community and to attend their domestic duties are now balancing work and home simultaneously to participate in economic development on equal footing with men. But it was not over night revolution. When women came out from their home to do ...
Climate Change Will Pose Many Challenges To Agriculture In The Future, But By Taking An Integrative Approach To Predicting And Adapting To Change, This Book Will Inspire Researchers To Turn Those Challenges Into Opportunities. Both Biotic And Abiotic Stresses Occur At Various Stages Of Plant Development And Frequently More Than One Stress Concurrently Affects The Crop. Stresses Result In Both Universal And Definite Effects On Plant Growth And Development.
The ...
Fundamentals of petroleum and petrochemical engineering provides a holistic understanding of petroleum and petrochemical products manufacturing, presented in step by step sequence of the entire supply chain.
The book includes topics such as products from crude oil and their testing, refinery operations, lubricants and petrochemical manufacture, plastic and rubber processing, offsite, utilities, and chemicals, plant and equipment calculations, instrumentation and ...
Water supply alone is a big issue but so is the equally important aspect of water quality. Our water resources are difficult to manage because they come from a multitude of locations where a tremendous number of contaminants often from human activities are degrading these resources. Water quality objectives and the chemical physical and biological processes are necessary for designing and managing modern drinking water and wastewater treatment plants. The ...
Soil Biochemistry Is The Reference Book Available That Covers The Essentials Of The Topic Plus Provides Information On The Latest Technological Advances That Represent The Cutting Edge Of The Science .Soil Plays A Crucial Role On Numerous Environmental Processes. They Interact With The Air Above Them, And The Biological Activity In Them.
They Supply Nutrient To Plants And Filter Our Wastes. The Book Is A Concise And Authoritative Introduction To The Field Of ...
Energy storage mediums are matter that store some form of energy that can be drawn upon at a later time to perform some useful operation. A device that stores energy is sometimes called an accumulator. All forms of energy are either potential energy. As energy storage technology may be applied to a number of areas that differ in power and energy requirements, there is a need to perform research and development on a wide variety of storage technologies. Enhanced ...
Transport or transportation is the movement of people and goods from one location to another. Transportation is performed by various models such as air rail road and water. The field can be divided into infrastructure vehicles and operations. Infrastructure consists of the fixed installations necessary for transport and may be roads railways airways waterways canals and pipelines or terminals such as airports railway stations bus stations and seaports. Vehicles ...
Bioenergy is renewable energy made available from materials derived from biological sources. It is a synonym to biofuel, which is fuel derived from biological sources. In sum, bioenergy is the energy extracted from the biomass, as the biomass is the fuel and the bioenergy is the energy contained in the fuel. As a fuel it may include wood, wood waste, straw, manure, and many other byproducts from a variety of agricultural processes. Bioenergy is expected to become ...
Alternative energy refers to energy sources which are not based on the burning of fossil fuels or the splitting of atoms. The renewed interest in this field of study comes from the undesirable effects of pollution (as witnessed today) both from burning fossil fuels and from nuclear waste byproducts. Fortunately there are many means of harnessing energy which have less damaging impacts on our environment. Alternative energy is no longer a secret. Most of the ...
Going green is both a corporate advantage and an opportunity for humanity to enable change. The four pillars of green energy are green power, green fuels and transport, green buildings and green IT. Green energy describes sources of energy that are considered to be environmentally friendly and non-polluting, such as geothermal, wind, solar, and hydroelectric. Sometimes nuclear power is also considered a green energy source. Green energy sources are often ...