There is all over a sort of intoxication, a challenge, a vitality in this contemplation. There is an uproar of words, images and thoughts, like simultaneously blowing of trumpets and beating of drums. These works and images are the bleeding of wounds, borne by a genius while trodding the battle field of life earnestly and buoyantly. But this blood does not merely flow bubbling. While splinting it turns into a flame. Because Baba’s experience does not stop at a sentimental sympathy or a transient sorrow. It goes into the roots of that sorrow with free reason. It searches for resurrection of the ruined man of today with the help of history, mythology, human life changing through centuries, this twentieth century, its various sciences, and the complex problems confronting him. Baba Amte speaks out to explain his vision of the new way, revealed to his super reason. This brave social worker is committed to his will to resurrect man physically, mentally, economically and spiritually. He throws away all rubbed and worn out coins, right from words to thoughts. While reading ‘Flames and Flowers’ one thing should be kept in mind that these are the utterances of experience and realisation.
International Encyclopaedia of Yoga & Occultism (In 3 Volumes)
Yoga virtually meant the ...
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