S. Venkataiah

68 books
Is to undergo higher education without any planning beneficial or fruitful? Can 'distance education' be exact alternate option for conventional higher education? These are really vital issues the society has seriously to ponder over. The present book is an attempt to answer these queries in the modern context. Distance education; Teaching and learning in higher education; Distance education: Theory and practice; Opportunities in higher ...
Women constitute half the world population, perform nearly two-third of its work hours, receive one-tenth of the world’s income and own less than one-hundredth of the world’s property. Under such pathetic scene to uplift the condition of women on par with men—only education can help. Besides the academic value, this will prove a dependable reference tool to policy planners and administrators.
In the realm of education ‘teacher’ possesses the key role. Hence the need of teacher-training. The teacher should take note of the interests, skills and knowledge of each learner and gently guide his explorations into different fields of knowledge. The teacher should learn to view knowledge as a unified field and not perpetuate its arbitrary segmentation. The teacher should develop empathy for the first and second generation learners. The teacher must find ...
Vocational education or training which is currently the real demand, is a nebulous term having differing concepts and meanings. These have arisen from traditional practices and the meaning of terms used and their implication. Basic differences for certain practices and relationships in vocational or occupational education are fundamental in nature and programmes. Vocational education is education/training of workers. It is the education for manual work. It is ...
For bringing a total transformation in educational system, we need the conversion of whole education departments from top to bottom to the basic pattern of education. It will not be enough that education departments mechanically accept the policy of basic education but there will have to be full and clear understanding of the implications of basic education and specially of the practical and day-to-day steps that will have to be taken in implementing the ...
In a country where majority of the population resides in villages, rural education possesses key importance. For educating rural people a number of programmes are devised and implemented by the government. Establishment of rural institutes can perform a variety of functions for rural community. These can function as cultural and training centres and as centres for development planning in rural areas. Various facets of rural education are discussed analytically in ...
Modern educational thought is practically unanimous in commending the idea of educating children through some suitable form of productive work. This method is considered to be the most effective approach to the problem of providing an integral all-sided education. It balances the intellectual and practical elements of experience, and may be made an instrument of educating the body and the mind of coordination. Some current and burning issues pertaining to the ...
Science education may be taken as furnishing a more manageable field to investigate for a variety of reasons. Science is supposed to be self--criticising, self-correcting and self-improving activity which deals with the facts and our interpretation of them. Various issues pertaining to science education and related problems are explained pros and cons in this book. Topics like—introduction, science, skills in science education, elementary ...
In the modern times the word bibliography is ordinarily associated with two sets of activities: enumerative bibliography, the listing according to some system or reference scheme of books that have a formal relationship; and analytical bibliography. In bibliography, as in many subjects, the great foundation study in historical. This book is a pioneering effort which brings together authentic information on a score of relevant topics. Students and teachers in the ...
Secondary education, in true sense of the term, is intended to develop the highest potential, aptitudes, interests and qualities of children to enable them to take an active part in nation’s developmental activities. But in actual practice the state of secondary education is very grim, and the products of secondary education are unemployable and unfit to pursue higher studies. Despite Education Commission’s several ...